The First Day of School

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   I was frolicking in the fields, Max's hand intertwined with mine.
   The butterflies gently fluttered past, their wings making a soft flapping noise.
   Everything was great. Until...
   Beep! Beep!
   My eyes slowly opened, revealing the covers in a tangled mess at my feet. I looked over and saw my alarm clock, making an obnoxious noise that could wake even the heaviest of sleepers.
   I groaned loudly and rolled out of bed. 10th grade,here I come...(You are aged up.)
   I threw on my f/c hoodie, with a Panic! At the Disco shirt under it. (Sorry I'm wearing that shirt right now. LOLOLOL)
   I dragged my drowsy body to the kitchen, where I would prepare my breakfast. (My mom usually sits and watches TV while I get ready for school.  That's kinda our thing.)
   Anyways, I fixed myself some Swiss Rolls and applesauce. I didn't really feel like cooking, so that would have to do.
   I sat at the kitchen table and ate my poor excuse of a breakfast. I let my mind wander as I chewed. To be honest, dozing off is the highlight of my morning.
   When I was done eating, I brushed my teeth, got my backpack, and headed out the door. David said he would give me a ride, so I waltzed on over there.
   I knocked on the door, and David immediately answered. "Why, hello there, Y/N! You ready for your first day of 10th grade?"
   I flashed David a thumbs up. "You bet."
   I can tell you firsthand that that was a lie.
David's arm was gripping the doorframe, and Max ducked his fluffy head under it. He was wearing his normal hoodie as well. "Hey, Y/N," Max smirked. "Did you miss me?"
"Pfft, heck no!" I muttered, blush creeping up on my cheeks.
Max's smirk got even wider as he said, "Come on. Let's blow this joint."
I nodded as Max and I started walking to the Camp Mobile, David following close behind.
This was going to suck, no doubt.
* * *
Towards the end of the car ride, David informed Max and I, "Oh, by the way, you guys are in the majority of your classes together!"
"Sweet," I responded simply, patting Max's shoulder.
He blushed and buried his face in his hood. "That's a-awesome!" I heard him stutter through his hood.
   David smiled wide.
   By that time, David had pulled into the parking lot! "All right, kiddos! See you after school!" David chirped.
   Max and I timidly stepped out of the Camp Mobile. Everybody in the 10th grade was huddled together like they already knew each other.
   I drew a shaky breath. I then felt something grab my hand. I looked down, and Max's fingers were laced through mine. I stared into his aqua eyes, while he stared into my e/c ones. "We're gonna kick this school's butt," Max whispered, squeezing my hand a bit.
   I smiled and walked with Max, our fingers not leaving each other. We stood in line for a bit, until the bell rang.
   1st period, here we come...
                              * * *
   We got our sheets from the secretary. Max and I had 5 out of 8 classes together, so I wasn't about to complain.
   "1st period," I read off of my list, "art."
   "1st period," Max read off his, "science."
   "Oh. Okay, then. I'll see you later!" I waved bye.
   I went into the art classroom, (after about 2 minutes of finding my way,) and sat at the back. I'm actually pretty shy, so I prefer to sit where no one will call attention to me.
   The teacher seemed to be a bit late, so I just stared off into oblivion for a bit. It was nice. I wasn't even thinking about anything. Just staring at the chalkboard.
   Until, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hmm?" I asked, turning to the source.
   Much to my surprise, Neil had taken the desk next to me. "Oh my gosh! Neil!" I said, embracing him in a rib-cracking hug.
   "H-hi, Y/N..." Neil gasped. "You're...kind o-of hurting me..."
   "Oh! Sorry!" I realized, pulling away.
   By that time, the art teacher came in. "Hello, class!" she smiled, her blood red lipstick glowing in the classroom light. "My name is Mrs. NetherNess!"
   "She sounds a lot like David," I whispered to Neil. He snickered.
   So, basically, we spent the entire class telling everyone about ourselves, which was pretty boring.
   When the 2nd period bell rang, I looked at my list and found out that I had English next. I waved bye to Neil, and waltzed on over to the classroom.
   Again, me being the nerd that I am, I sat at the back.
   I then saw a familiar fluffy head make its way over to the seat next to me. Max looked kind of dazed as he sat down, staring at the chalkboard, just as I did previously.
   I snickered evilly and thumped my hand on his desk. Max almost fell off his seat. "JEEZ! WHAT THE H-oh. Hey, Y/N." he screamed, getting himself together at the end.
   Every head turned to look at Max. His face went red as he propped it up with his hand. "Move along, you idiots.
   Then, at the same time, Max and I noticed a familiar turquoise-haired girl walk into the classroom. "Nikki!" Max and I called to her in unison.
   When Nikki saw us, her eyes lit up. "Y/N! Max! How are ya?" she said, rushing up to us and hugging us.
   "Not too bad," I grinned.
   The teacher was running late again, so us three got to talk for a while.
   So, let me give you a short rundown of how the rest of the day went: I had Nerris and Nikki for 3rd period, science, Neil and Dolph for 4th period, math, sat with Max, Nikki, and Neil at lunch, I had Max, Ered, and Preston for 5th period, chemistry, Max, Nikki, and Neil, (the whole gang!) for 6th period, gym, Max, Harrison, Nerris, and Nurf for period 7, algebra, and Max, Neil, Preston, and Dolph for period 8, technology.
Overall, my day went great.
When the final bell rang, everyone flew out of their seats, desperate to feel the comforts of their homes. Max and I dashed down the halls, wanting to play on our phones so badly that we would murder someone for it. When we got to the Camp Mobile that was sitting in the parking lot, we said in unison, "Home. Now."
David could tell by our frazzled expressions and Max's messy hair that we needed some downtime, for he gave a curt nod as we opened the door and hopped into the car.
* * *
My eyes felt heavy as I stumbled out of the Camp Mobile. I gave a lazy wave to David and Max and trudged into my house. I was greeted by my mom on the couch, eating all of my candy.
Now, normally, I would've flipped out, but I was too exhausted to care. I grabbed some chips from the pantry, and dragged my body up the stairs.
Immediately, I grabbed my phone and flopped down onto my bed. But, when I turned it on, it said:

New message: Unknown number

I was pretty confused, but opened the message anyways.
   My heart practically jumped out of my chest when it did.

   Hey, Y/N. It's Max. So I just wanted to say...thanks for making the first day of school better.

   I responded:

   Hey, Max! And you're welcome. How did you get my number?

   A few minutes later, Max came back with a nervous response:

   I totally didn't ask random people at school, if that's what your thinking...shut up...

   I chuckled to myself and quickly typed a response:

   Okay, you adorable little weirdo. See you tomorrow!!

   I changed the contact name to Max💜 and began to watch YouTube.
   School at it's highest, I'll say.

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