Opal's Introduction

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That night, I tossed and turned, thinking about the puppy that David would be getting the next day. 'What will he look like?' I thought. 'What will his name be? Sam? Nolan? Max #2?'
I snickered aloud at the last one. I then rolled over to check the time.
"Ugh," I groaned, rolling back over.
I remembered what my Auntie Mary used to say whenever I visited her: To fall asleep the quickest, close your eyes and let your mind drift. And, most, importantly, DON'T WORRY ABOUT FALLING ASLEEP.
Her words echoed in my mind as I tried my best to let my mind wander. I finally succeeded after about an hour, and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
* * *
I woke up to the sound of my phone playing my ringtone:
Black magic on Maholland Drive,
Swimming pools under desert skies,
Drinking white wine in the blushing light,
Just another LA devotee.
"Okay, okay, shut up," I grumbled aloud, dragging my tired body off my bed to read my text.
It read:

Hey, Y/N. You might wanna come over. David seems pretty hyped about something. Pretty sure the dog's here.

I responded with:

Already? Ugh, let me make myself presentable. Damn, I'm tired. Anyways, I'll be at ur house in 10.

I set my phone down and cracked my knuckles. Time to get dressed...
I opened my closet door, eyes scanning across my scarce amount of outfits. There was one dress with flower petals on it, (yuck,) a Cuphead T-shirt, (The Panic! At the Disco one was in the wash,) a shirt that said "Saturdays Rule", 5 plain tank tops, my hoodie, and a few pairs of jeans.
I decided that I would rely on my trusty Cuphead T-shirt, with my hoodie over it. (And jeans, of course.)
My mom was still asleep, so I tiptoed to the bathroom, where I brushed my teeth quickly but thoroughly, shortly after that, doing my hair. After doing my hair, I quickly toasted a piece of bread and went out the door with it.
I was greeted by a whoosh of cold air. It was early October, and this weather really emphasized the "ber" part.
I crossed my arms over my chest to preserve as much body heat as possible, the piece of toast still in my hand. Looking back, I probably should've worn a jacket.
My cold self finally approached David's door. I knocked on it with a shivering fist, while my free hand was holding the piece of toast that I had just taken a bite of.
I ate the rest of my toast wile I was waiting. Finally, David opened the door, and a huge wave of noise filled my ear holes. It was the noise of nails scratching their way across the floor, and Max yelling.
David looked a bit stressed, but also very excited. "Y/N! You're just in time to meet Opal!"
"Opal?" I repeated. "So...the dog's here?"
"You betcha!" David nodded, stepping to the side so I could come in.
I immediately started laughing at what my eyes witnessed.
There was a Labrador Retriever that was a faint yellow color and had a glimmering black nose and black nails...well...
Biting the hood of Max's oh-so-familiar hoodie and dragging him across the floor. "You stupid fur ball! Get the frick off!" he screamed.
Once he said "off", he shook the little creature off.
It was then that Opal noticed that there was another life form present, for he started bounding towards me, then jumping on me. His sharp nails ripped my jeans a bit, but I didn't mind.
I knelt down and petted the little rascal's head. "So, I see you've met Opal?" I sarcastically asked Max, smirking and arching an eyebrow.
Max scoffed and rolled his eyes, however, a smile still made itself comfortable on his face. "Ha, ha. Very funny."
Opal then put his paws on my chest and started licking my face. I chuckled and stroked his back.
I picked little Opal up and sat him on my lap. He looked at me with the most adorable puppy eyes I've ever seen in your life, and I smiled.
"Isn't he the cutest, Y/N?" I heard David's voice ask me. "Max doesn't really want to be intimate with Opal, but he'll come around eventually."
"The hell I will," Max muttered, crossing his arms.
It seemed that Opal sensed Max's hate towards him, so he decided to go convince Max that he was a good dog! He ran over and started licking grumpy Max all over, tail wagging back and forth. Max wasn't having it, though. He growled and pushed the little bundle of happiness away. "Down. Down, you freaking mutt."
Until, I saw something remarkable. When Opal wouldn't give up, Max sighed and let Opal kiss him. He even pet his pastel yellow fur.
"AWWW!" I squealed. Max heard my excited yell and scooted away from Opal. The little pooch kept trying to trying to follow him, which only made him scoot farther away.
Soon, he was all the way in the kitchen. "Th-this dog sucks," Max stuttered.
"Sure," I chuckled, rolling my eyes.
Max then casually began to scratch behind Opal's ears.
"I told you that you guys would get along," David beamed as Max continued to pet Opal.

I did bad on this...oh well. I've been writing for more than 30 minutes. YouTube, here I come!

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