Cultist? What Cultist?

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After school the next day, Max invited me to his house.
I gladly accepted his invitation. David was already gonna pick me up anyways, so he saved me the extra 10 second walk!
Shut up. I'm lazy.
As I hopped into David's car, I whooped, "This is gonna be awesome!" I looked over at Max. "Don't you think?"
He cleared his throat, slumped down in his seat nervously, and muttered, "Y-yeah..."
I chuckled as I ruffled Max's poofy hair.
He didn't swat my hand away, but he crossed his arms and huffed, "You are so annoying."
"Max!" David scolded. "That is not how you treat your girlfriend!"
Max smiled but rolled his eyes.
We were silent for a bit, until Max suddenly proclaimed, "OH!"
His sudden outburst startled me. I jumped and muttered, "Cheese and peanut butter on a Tuesday..."
Max, ignoring my remark, said to me, "Did I mention that Nikki and Neil are coming too? Their parents are gonna drop them off!"
A smirk crossed my lips. "Looks like you have a bigger heart than I thought!"
"I have a rock-hard heart..." Max growled through gritted teeth.
David laughed from the driver's seat. "All right, kiddos. We're here."
I opened the car door, racing up to David's house afterwards. Once I got in, I pressed my face onto the window on the door, waiting for my friends to arrive.
* * *
   They both arrived simultaneously. "Hey, guys!" I greeted as soon as I opened the door for them.
   Nikki bit my hand. I was used to it by then. "Ha, ha, very funny, Nikki..," I grumped, attempting to flick her off.
   Her bite remained solid. Max came up to her and threw her off.
   "Aww, you're no fun," Nikki whined, crossing her arms.
   "She can be such a lunatic," Neil chuckled.
   "You think?" Max scoffed, rolling his eyes.
   Typical Max.
   "Why don't we head upstairs?" I suggested, gesturing to the cedar stairs that led to Max's and David's rooms.
    Everyone nodded their head in agreement.
                             * * *
   Once we got up there, random conversation topics came spewing out of the our mouths. School, homework, memories from Camp Campbell, you name it!
   "Ooh!" Nikki suddenly said, raising her hand. "How about we tell scary stories?"
   "Sure!" I agreed, nodding my head.
   Max smirked. That's never good...
   "What?" I asked slowly.
   "I have even better idea," Max sneered, rubbing his hands together. "Let's talk about the cultist."
   "Cultist?" I echoed. "What cultist?"
   "Oh, yeah..," Neil said, a bit disappointed. "You weren't there."
   "Mind giving me a run-down?" I asked.
   "Ooh! I'll do it!" Nikki volunteered, standing up on the bed. "It all started about 6 years ago...when us 3 were playing baseball with grenades..."
   "Cut to the chase," Max sighed, rubbing his temples.
   "Oh! Right!" she said, getting back on track. "So when we were done, David had a big presentation of what is and isn't a baseball. That's when us 3 saw this guy that looked exactly like David walk into the room!"
   "Only he had blonde hair and blue eyes," Neil interrupted, holding up his index finger.
   Max chuckled. "Don't forget the cultist get-up."
   Nikki sighed and rolled her eyes, getting impatient. "Anyways," she said irritably, looking at Neil and Max, "David introduced him as Daniel, and he basically started saying creepy stuff, and his neck kept cracking. Then when we went to get David, and when we got back, we found out that he threw kids in a purification sauna."
   "And he threw me and Nikki in!" Neil yelled, his arms flailing around.
   "I went in willingly," Max shrugged. "Just to teach David a lesson for believing that Daniel was 'cleansing us'."
   I looked at Max, an incredulous expression spread across my face. "You did what?!"
   "Never mind that!" Nikki said. "So, yeah, he threw me and Neil in, and that's all I remember! I just remember watching Daniel get carried away in an ambulance afterwards."
   "He probably ingested the Kool-Aid he was trying to make us drink..," Neil pondered thoughtfully. "Don't know how, though."
   "Anyways, word on the street is that he escaped from prison," Max said calmly.
   My mouth gaped open in shock. "And how are you so calm about this?"
   Max shrugged. "If he drank his own poison last time, how hard can it be to take him down this time?"

A New Kind of Love~ (Max X Reader Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now