Gwen and David??

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   Y/N's POV

   "Knock, knock!" I yelled from outside of David's door. I was gonna hang out with Max.
   "I'm coming, I'm coming," I heard Max's voice mutter. I then heard a big crash. "OPAL! I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T MOVE YOUR FREAKING BUTT I'M GOING TO MAKE A FUR COAT OUT OF YOU!"
   I chuckled. Poor Opal.
   Max finally opened the door, looking emotionally drained. "Come in."
"Is Opal getting on your nerves?" I jokingly asked, stepping inside.
"What do you think?" Max sighed, rubbing his temples.
David was sitting on the couch, and he appeared to be texting someone.
I exchanged an evil smirk with Max. I held up my index finger to my lips to signal "shh". He nodded, rubbing his hands together.
   I tiptoed over to David and leaned in close to him. He still wasn't paying attention. "WHO'S THAT?!" I asked, being obnoxiously loud.
   "AAH!" David screamed, dropping his phone on the ground. "Goodness, Y/N. You scared me."
   I picked it up before he could. The contact name of the person he was texting was "Gwen😳😍💜".
   "Gwen?" I asked, looking at David. "I didn't know you kept in touch with her."
   David snatched the phone away from me, blushing a deep red. "Y/N!" he scolded. "Th-that's none of your business!"
   "And what's with the emojis?" I smirked.
   David buried his face in his bandana.
   Max walked up to us. "Gwen? Are you guys like...a thing?"
   David removed his beet red face from his bandana, but began nervously tugging on it. "We're...seeing each other, yes..."
   That's when me and Max lost it. I was fangirling, but Max was demanding why David kept it from him for so long.
"AWWW! YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!" I screamed, jumping up and down.
David shushed us. "Kids. She's coming over in a bit. And...I'm gonna propose."
"AAAAAAAAH!" I yelled.
"WHAT?!" Max said.
Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. "David? What are you doing in there?"
David dropped his phone to the ground. "Oh gosh darn heck." He then ran to answer the door for her. I went with him.
Gwen was there, not wearing her Camp Campbell shirt. She was wearing a rather fancy dress shirt. "Y/N? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, uh, I live next door," I said awkwardly, gesturing to my house with my thumb.
Then, we both simultaneously pulled each other in for a hug.
"I missed you so much, Gwen!"
When we pulled apart, Gwen studied me head to foot. "Well, I'll be damned. You look so grown up."
"One: It's been 2 months," I said. "Two: You sound like such a parent right now."
Gwen shuddered. "You're right; I'm sorry."
   I waved her off. "No problem."
   Max came over, poking his head out of the door. His lips formed a scowl when he saw Gwen. "Well, if it isn't David's secret girlfriend."
   Gwen's eyes moved to Max. "What are you doing here?"
   David scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I sort of adopted him. I thought you knew that."
   Gwen shook her head, a frown on her face. "I didn't." But then she smiled and  ruffled both mine and Max's hair. "I'll admit; I missed you guys."
   I smiled, but Max swatted her hand away.
   "Well, come on in!" David invited.
   Gwen obliged. She walked inside, me and Max at her heels. "I don't like her," Max whispered to me.
   I rolled my eyes. "Come on. Give her a chance. She's a nice lady."
Max rolled his eyes right back. "We'll just see about that."
"What?" I teased, nudging him in the side. "Are you overprotective of your little Davey?"
Max flinched at my sudden touch and gave me the evil eye. "No! God, I shouldn't have said that around you."
I wrapped my arm around him. "Oh, stop. I think it's cute."
Max crossed his arms and did a little "humph" thing, turning a bit red in the cheeks.
Once we got inside, David cleared his throat awkwardly. He got out a ring holder thingy and began nervously fiddling with his bandana. I gave him a wink. Ya know, for motivation purposes.
David smiled and got down on one knee.
"What's that?" Gwen questioned. "And why are you kneeling?"
Max and I both sighed. It's such a cliche thing to do when your proposing, so we had no idea why Gwen was so oblivious.
David cleared his throat again. "Gwendolyn, when I first saw you apply as co-counselor, my heart leapt straight out of my chest. I developed feelings for you right off the bat. To this day, you still increase my heart rate, and-" he opened the ring pouch, "-I hope you can do that as my wife."
Gwen looked startled, to say the least. "Yes!" She declared, hugging David. "That was just like that romantic scene in-"
Aaand, away she goes. She started mindlessly babbling about some kind of movie while David was patiently listening. Like, seriously, how does his marbles not go rolling onto the highway and never come back?
Max faked a yawn. "Want to go to my room?" Max asked, turning to me.
I shrugged. "Sure."
Max stuffed his hands in his pockets and began walking up the stairs, me following close behind.
***Time skip brought to you by Gwen's movies**********^_^****************
"Are you sure you like Gwen?" Max asked me, picking up a magazine and thumbing through it.
"She's okay," I responded. "Why?"
"I dunno..," Max said, sighing and setting the magazine down. "I guess I just feel like her and David's personalities don't match at all."
I shrugged. "I guess people just learn to accept each other despite their differences."
Max chuckled, shaking his head and poking me in the side. "Don't get all mushy on me."
I scoffed. "I'm not mushy! You're the one that called David 'Dad'!"
Max gritted his teeth. "We will not speak if that."
"I beg to differ..," I smirked. "YOU CALLED DAVID 'DAD'! YOU CALLED DAVID 'DAD'!"
Max growled and pushed me. I pretended to fall over. "Ow! Don't overpower me like that!"
Max rolled his eyes. "Oh, stop."
We then heard excited squeals coming from downstairs. "We're getting married!"
"That'll be us someday..," Max said, looking down.
"Oh, now who's mushy?" I laughed, ruffling Max's hair.
He jokingly tackled me to the ground. "Oof!" I said, falling over.
Max laughed, as did I. Our noses nuzzled together. "Yeah, though. That will be us someday."

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