A Before-School Treat!!

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After Max's and I's little chat, I went back home and drifted off to sleep.
Nah, just joking. I didn't sleep much. I tossed and turned, thinking about the familiar fantasies. I really wanted them to be true. And whenever I was about to doze off, the fantasies would come back to me, making my eyes flutter open again.
I finally fell asleep around 1:30.
My tired eyes snapped open to a knock on the door. I heard my mom go get it as I glanced at the clock.
I arose out of bed and threw on some casual clothes. (I'll give you a hint: I wore my F/C hoodie.) As I was doing so, I heard my mom having a conversation with someone.
"Hello, Miss!" a happy voice chirped. I immediately knew it was David's. "I was just wondering if I could take Y/N out for a bit! Maybe go bowling or something?"
I cringed, knowing my mom would ruin David's happy vibe.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" my mom said, a sassy edge to her voice.
"Oh, where are my manners?" David asked, laughing slightly. "My name is David! I was Y/N's camp counselor at Camp Campbell. I just wanted to take her out as a before-school treat!"
"It would really make us happy..." a familiar voice said shyly.
It was Max's voice.
I couldn't bear to hear David's and Max's hearts broken, so I ran to the door as quickly as I could. "That would be great!" I said hurriedly.
Max and David jumped at my sudden appearance, but smiled soon after. "Okay! Does 11:00 sound good?" David smiled, ruffling Max's hair.
Max growled a bit and swatted David's hand away.
I chuckled and said, "Yep! I'll come over in an hour!"
Just as David and Max were about to leave, my mom grabbed Max's hoodie and yanked him back.
Max stared at my mom nervously. "Y-yes, ma'am?"
"I know you can fool my low-life daughter, but you can't fool me," I heard my mom growl quietly. "You're just the devil in disguise. And you better stay away from me!" She then shoved Max into a shocked David.
"I'm glad we had this talk," she smiled sweetly. David and Max then hurried to their house.
Once my mom shut the door, I shrieked, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I got so mad that it was my turn to smack her across the face.
I covered my mouth with my hands in shock as my mom touched the place I had hit her.
"I'm sorry," I squeaked nervously.
Rage flashed in my mother's eyes as she picked me up by my hood, and threw me into my room.
"And don't even think about going to that before-school treat thingy," she smirked as she slammed my door shut and walked away.
The noise rang through my ears causing me to block them. I had to find a way to escape...
* * *
Once 11:00 came, I brainstormed ways to escape my own house.
I obviously couldn't go through the front door, because my mom would see me.
But maybe I could climb out the window!
   I slowly creaked it open, careful not to make a sound. My room was on the first floor, so I could get outside easy breezy!
   I maneuvered my way out the window; legs slipping through, then arms. I landed on the bright green grass with a soft "plop".
   I beamed, knowing that I had outsmarted an adult.
  I ran as fast as lightning to David's house. I hurriedly knocked on the door, not wanting to be seen.
   This time, Max opened the door.
   "Oh! Hey, Y/N," he said, smiling a bit. "What's up?"
   "Look," I told him quickly, "I just snuck out of the house to come here, so can you let me in?"
   He nodded and motioned for me to follow him into the house. I did, and saw David sitting on the couch, watching...Dr. Phil? "David..." I snickered. "I didn't know you rolled like that."
   David gasped and quickly shut of the TV. "Y/N! I'm so sorry! H-how can I help you?"
   Max chuckled a bit as I told David about me sneaking out of the house to go to the before-school treat.
   He seemed shocked for a second that I had snuck out of the house, but shook it off and asked, "O-okay! Where would you like to go?"
   "Die in a hole?" Max sarcastically suggested.
   I snorted.
   David sighed and rolled his eyes.
   "Ooh!" I exclaimed, raising my hand as if I was in school. "How about we go bowling?"
   Max scoffed, but his face soon morphed into a smile. "That's...not a bad idea..."
   David smiled ear to ear. Stars were practically dancing in his eyes as he proclaimed, "Well, come on then, gang! Let's go!"
                                * * *
   After a chatty car ride, David pulled up to the bowling alley's parking lot.
   I was super psyched. I was bouncing up and down in my seat, a dopey grin spread across my face.
   Max sighed and unbuckled his seatbelt, a smirk on his face. "You're a moron."
                                * * *
   I actually had a very fun time! I did fairly well, (and by "fairly well" I mean that I beat both David and Max, and my bowling ball's speed was the highest too.) Max would growl and start tugging at his hair in frustration whenever he wasn't pleased with what he was doing. David smiled the whole time, and Max smiled occasionally too!
   When I won, Max's reaction was, "Y-you did good..." He looked down and he began blushing. I knew that he was upset that he didn't win, but I didn't judge. I would've been, too.
   When we got home, I hopped out of David's car and thanked him, climbing back through the window. David had reminded me that school started the next day, so I thought I was emotionally prepared.
   But...oh, boy...this year would be quite something; I bet not even God predicted this type of year upon me...
(HOLY CRAP! I'm at 1,000+ words! FASNFJDMXNJDJD THAT NEVER HAPPENS! But ye! I hope you guys are enjoying the book! I'll see ya later!)

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