The Sad Truth

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   Y/N's POV

   My mom goes to bed freakishly early, so going to David's house at 8:00 wouldn't be a problem.
   I continued to cry on the ground, wishing that my life were different. Wishing that me, Max, and possibly David were given the chance to move somewhere far away from Sleepy Peak.
   My fantasies were interrupted by my mom stomping out of the kitchen, eyeing me with distaste. "Get up," she spat.
   I wanted to. I really did. But something prevented me. Whimpers wormed their way out of my mouth as I tried to get up. I eventually gave up and buried my head in my knees.
   "I said, GET UP!" my mother yelled, kicking me hard. I let out a sob as she gripped my arm, pulled me up, and threw me against the wall.
   She menacingly towered over me. " I hate you. I know you think that you hold some place in my heart, but you really don't." She walked away. "Besides, I don't have a heart."
   8:00 couldn't come soon enough.
                              * * *
   My mom went to bed at around 7:10, leaving me to do nothing for 50 minutes.
   You'd think that my room would be a piece of crap, but it's actually quite nice. I think that my mom thought that she would get attached to me, so she made me a nice room.
   But, obviously, she didn't.
   I occasionally read a few pages of a book, and glanced back at the clock. But once the blood red numbers hit 7:45, I intently stared at the clock for about 15 minutes.
   Then, I saw it.
   The 7:59 morphed into an 8:00, and I smiled. Finally! Time to go see my beloved!
   I tiptoed to the front door, careful not to make a single sound. My mom usually doesn't care if I'm up when she's asleep, but if I wake her up...
Boy, it could get messy.
   I quietly creaked open the front door and stepped outside.
   'Freedom!' I thought to myself, smiling.
   I gave a soft knock on David's door, and the one and only answered. "Hello, Y/N. Max told me you had something to share. Come on in."
   I was sort of taken aback that David had a serious expression on. I had never seen him like that before.
   "Max!" David hollered politely.
   "WHAT?!" Max responded not-so-politely.
   "Y/N's here!" David said, ignoring Max's rude remark.
   "Oh," I heard Max say. "I'll be right down."
   About a minute had passed, and Max came down, a soft smile on his face. "Come on," he told me. "Let's go up to my room."
   I nodded, smiling once again. I waved to David, (for whatever reason,) and went upstairs.
   Max sat on his new bed, an eyebrow arched. "So, what's bothering you?"
   I sighed, and sat down as well. "See...don't freak out," I warned. " mom abuses me."
   Max gasped, and he immediately wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know!"
   I gently moved his arms away. "It's okay."
   "Do you have a dad living with you?" Max asked. "Grandma? Grandpa?"
   I shook my head. "My mom shuts all my relatives out of her life. The only reason I'm living at my house is because I wouldn't be able to fend for myself, and the police wouldn't be too keen on finding a dead child in the road."
   I then whimpered a bit, and some tears slipped their way out of my eyes. Max put a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.
   But then, an evil smirk crossed my lips, and an evil chuckle escaped them. I just had a realization that Max would hate me for pointing out, but it would be too hilarious to keep in.
   "What's so funny?" Max asked, looking confused.
   "Well," I said, chuckling again, "it's sort of funny how you care so much for me." My eyes slowly moved down to his arm that was still on my shoulder. "And you're never nice."
   Blush scattered across Max's cheeks. He scoffed and removed his arm from my shoulder. "W-whatever, jerk."
   Then I started laughing. Hard. And that caused Max to chuckle a bit too. But my laughs were interrupted by him grabbing both of my hands.
   "We parent-haters have to stick together," he said sincerely, slightly squeezing my hands.
   I giggled as I realized that he was right.

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