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"Watercolor is very complex, and you can see the results for yourself," Mrs. NetherNess said, brushing purple watercolor on a piece of paper. Frankly, it looked pretty un-complex to me.
Neil yawned and smacked his lips. "I like drawing, but I hate art class. I'd take science over art any day."
I nudged Neil in the side. "Well, that's not saying much, science nerd."
Neil scoffed. "Be quiet."
Then, the 2nd period bell rang. Finally! Freedom! *insert inspirational song here*
I gathered up my books and meandered my way over to my locker. When I got there, I was enraged at what I saw.
Lizzy, the school's popular cheerleader, was practically throwing herself at Max.
Oh hell no. That's my man.
Smoke shooting out of my ears, I stomped over to where the both of them were standing. (Max's locker.)
Lizzy, that cunning bi-
Take 2:
Lizzy, that cunning...jerk...had her hand on Max's locker and was inches away from his face, while his back was pressed against the locker. Caressing his hair, she said in her basic cheerleader voice, "Oh, Maxwell. You're so dreamy."
"Uh...Thanks?" Max uneasily responded.
   I grabbed that girl by the shoulder and whirled her around. She seemed shocked at first, but her expression soon morphed into one of innocence. "Oh! Y/N! Have you met Maxwell? He's the best thing ever."
   I rolled my eyes and looked at Max, flipping back my h/l hair. "Can you tell me what's going on here?"
   Max shrugged. "I dunno. I was getting my stuff and suddenly this freaking lunatic started flirting with me."
   I nodded, a smirk on my face. I knew that Lizzy couldn't possibly come up with an excuse for that response.
   Lizzy gave a squeaky laugh. "Max, you have the best jokes!"
   Enraged, I stomped my foot several times, causing bystanders to stare at me.
   Frick those guys. I don't care what they think.
   "No, no, no, no!" I yelled. "Max is my boyfriend! See that word? That means that he's mine. Not yours, not anybody else's! Mine."
   Lizzy huffed, making a strand of her blonde hair float for a bit. "Whatever. That's not true, right Max?"
   Max's eyebrows curved downwards in an annoyed way. "Actually," he said, coming up to me and wrapping his arm around me, "she is my girlfriend. And you're just an egotistical brat in need of attention."
She did that weird growl/whine thing that brats do and stomped away, muttering curse words that I do not like to say in my books.
"Thanks for getting rid of her," I said to Max, smiling genuinely.
"Hey, n-no problem," Max stammered, scratching the back of his neck nervously. I've sort of noticed that that was his nervous tic.
I smirked and wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. His hands rubbed up and down my back in a rhythmic motion as he kissed back, and all the sounds in the world became muffled.
I heard the annoying mumble of the 3rd period bell.
We pulled apart simultaneously. I smirked at Max and skipped ahead.
"Yeah, so Lizzy, the brat that she is, decided that it would be a-okay to throw herself at Max!" I told the others at lunchtime.
"Ooh! This is just like those movies!" Nikki said. "Max! You got feelings for this 'Lizzy'?" She put air quotes around "Lizzy".
"Nikki!" Neil scolded, elbowing her in the side.
Max chuckled. "No, it's okay, Neil. And no. I don't have feelings for her."
My heart swelled to the size of a basketball. (Metaphorically, of course.)
"But..," Max started.
My basketball heart deflated as quickly as it had swelled.
"She's hot. I'm gonna give her that."
That's when my heart legit popped. Like, pieces flew everywhere.
Nah, I'm just joking. But that's definitely how it felt.
Nikki, Caleb and Neil exchanged nervous glances, as if they knew how I was gonna react.
I then proceeded to act sick. "Guys...I'm not feeling so well. I'm...gonna go to the bathroom..."
Nikki and Neil's eyes moved to me. Neil looked concerned, while Nikki looked excited. "Okay. You all right?" Neil squeaked.
"Tell me what color the vomit is!" Nikki exclaimed, stars dancing in her eyes.
I fought the urge to smile. "Okay...I'll be right back..."
I then went into the girl's bathroom and cried.
   And cried.
   And cried some more.
   It felt good to let all my emotions out. It felt good to cry my way out of this predicament.
   I heard the bell ring for 5th period. I groaned and wiped the tears from my eyes with the back of my hand.
Life sucks.
I creaked open the stall and sauntered over to the sink. I cupped some cool water into my hands and washed my face.
   I sighed with pleasure as the liquid came in contact with my skin. By the time I turned the faucet off, I thought I was ready to face the world again.
   I was dead wrong.
   I set one foot out of the bathroom and saw Max and Lizzy in a lip lock.
   You know what the worst part was?
   I stomped up to Max and pulled him away from Lizzy. His body tensed as he realized that someone had caught him in the act. He slowly turned around, causing my hand to fall at my side. "Oh...hey, Y/N..."
   I inhaled, preparing for all the words that I was about to throw at Max. "YOU GOD DAMN IDIOT DID OUR RELATIONSHIP MEAN NOTHING TO YOU OH MY GOD YOU CAN FREAKING BURN IN HELL FOR ALL I CARE!" Once I was done, I huffed and puffed so I could catch my breath.
   "No! Y/N, it's not what you think! She means nothing to me-"
   "Guys, guys," Lizzy said silkily, causing both our heads to turn towards her, "he obviously wants me. He just felt bad for Y/N so he took her in."
   She put a hand on her hip sassily. "Come on, Max. My lips are waiting."
   Max opened his mouth to protest, but shut it when Lizzy pulled him in, and, again, started smooching my boyfriend. I, once again, pulled Max away from her when he started to kiss back. I smirked and smacked him across the face.
   "Have a nice day!" I made my voice all high and innocent. I then walked to my next class, Max and Lizzy staring after me in shock. Since Max was in it, I decided to avoid him at all costs.
The rest of the day went by in a blur of Max begging for my forgiveness. But I would simply walk away or go talk to Nikki or Neil. Or Caleb.
When I got home, I sighed and dropped my backpack on the floor.
A pint of mint chocolate-chip, here I come.
Thank you all for reading this story! I'm just having a blast writing it! Sorry this chapter took so long. Busy schedule :(
This is yo girl Artzee, and she's out!

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