The End

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"Y/N! Hurry up!" Nikki's head pokes into my changing room. Thankfully, I'm descent, just evening out the wrinkles in my dress. "You're gonna miss it!"
So, it was the day of David and Gwen's wedding, and I was ecstatic! I would have a dad and a mom! Damn good ones at that, too!
"Okay! I'm coming!" I said to Nikki, making my way over to her.
I wasn't quick enough for her, though. She grabbed my hand and began pulling me to ceremony area. "This is gonna be so fun!" Nikki smiled as she pulled me down the aisle. "David and Gwen are actually getting married! Can you believe it?!"
By that time, we had reached our designated positions. Nikki and some other girls from Camp Campbell and one adult were the bridesmaids, and I...well...I was the maid of honor! Can you believe that? Gwen! Giving me that title. Who would've thought?
Max was the best man. The groomsmen consisted of the boys from Camp Campbell.
Me and the bridesmaids took our spots, as did the groomsmen. As the priest began his shabang, Max leaned over to look at me, and he winked.
I blushed.
After the whole speech thing and the vows and stuff like that, David finally got to kiss the bride.
"You may kiss the bride!" the priest declared, smiling widely.
David pulled Gwen into a dramatic dip and kissed her. Gwen kissed back, and the crown erupted into applause.
I clapped the loudest.
***(Time skip brought to you by Lafayette's crispy baguettes :3)********
I sat down with Max at one of the tables during the reception, and we were chatting up a storm.
That's when Max asked me a serious question.
"Hey, Y/N," Max said, his tone curious.
"How do you feel about having a real mother?"
I smirked. "Pretty damn good, if you ask me. Which you did...Anyways...what about your feelings on the matter?"
Max pondered that for a minute. "I think it'll be awesome," he smiled, grabbing my hand.
His fingers provided warmth. Not a physical warmth, put more of an emotional warmth. Like Max was transferring good energy into my hand.
That's when Nikki came and sat next to us. "Hey, guys!" She exclaimed, her usual loud voice making me smile.
"Hey, Nikki," I smiled.
She groaned. "I'm sooo hungry! Why don't they let us not starve? Like, give me a horse and I'll eat it. All of it!"
Max chuckled. "Honestly, I wouldn't put it past you."
Nikki huffed, crossing her arms in a childish way.
Clink, clink, clink.
People were clinking their silverware on their glasses, signaling that they wanted the bride and groom to kiss.
Gwen and David exchanged nervous glances before doing so.
Max and I whooped louder than everyone else combined.
"Attention!" someone shouted from the front of the room. "Table ten, go get your food!"
We were table ten, so that set Nikki off. I swear she was legit frothing at the mouth. "Okay, guys! I gotta get me some of that prime rib!" She then dashed off with the ravenous kids at our table that also wanted the first helping.
Max chuckled, stood up, and reached his hand out to me. "Shall we?"
I nodded, taking it and walking up to the buffet.
Up until then, I didn't realize how handsome Max looked. He had on a flawless suit and tie, and his tan skin and marvelous hair didn't help, either.
"Let's party!" the DJ yelled, cranking up the music and head-banging.
Stars danced across my eyes as I grabbed Max and pulled him to the dance floor.
We jammed out for a bit. Max was timid at first, but later began to let loose.
It was fun.
Until, the tempo slowed, and the music got softer and more serious. Max sighed, wrapped an arm around my waist, and said flirtatiously, "May I have this dance~?"
I chuckled. "I accept your flirty request."
I can say that Max really knew how to dance. His feet moved perfectly, and he didn't step on my toes! His aqua eyes stared into mine the entire time, and I got lost in them.
Those eyes brought back memories.
The first time I laid eyes on Max at Camp Campbell, I couldn't resist him. Even though I'd known him for about 6 or so months, that hadn't changed.
And David. When I first saw him, he was kinda annoying. Back then, I saw his happiness as a burden, but now, I see it as a blessing. Everyone should have that happiness in their lives.
And now, with Nikki, Neil, Caleb, David and Gwen by my side, I am the happiest I've ever been.
And I'm even happier with Max by my side, intertwining his fingers with mine.
With a new life ahead of me, I smirked at Max. "You're not a bad dancer."
Max blushed and looked away from me. "I could say the same for you."

~~~~T H E E N D!! ~~~~~

Hope you guys like this story! But, unfortunately, I have to end it. But don't worry, Hamilton fanfics are in the works for ya!!

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