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I reached into the fridge and grabbed a pint of mint chocolate-chip ice cream.
Hey, I told you I was gonna eat it! What'd you expect me to do? Not eat it?
I opened the cedar cupboard and got a spoon. I then slumped to my room and started eating.
5 minutes later, I get a text:

Max💜: Hey. Can we talk?

I scoffed and typed a response.

You: I'm not interested in anything you have to say. There is no excuse for what you did, and if you don't stop texting me I'm gonna block your number.

Once I sent it, I looked at my handiwork. 'Yeah. That's reasonable,' I thought, a smirk crossing my lips. 'That'll certainly shut him up.'
I grabbed my phone and started playing Crossy Road. (Don't judge.) I groaned in frustration as my unihorse crashed into a truck.
The sound of a person knocking on my door rang through my ears.
I sighed and got up to answer it. "What?" I said as I opened the door.
To my dismay, Max was standing there, a guilty smile on his face. He was holding a heart-shaped box of chocolates. "Hey, Y/N."
"No," I huffed as I shut the door. I locked it too, just in case he decided to come in without my consent.
I flopped back into my bed, hoping that the wonders of Jacksepticeye would cheer me up.
"Jacksepticeye plays Bio Inc. Redemption..," I muttered to myself. "Huh. Never heard of that one. Guess I'll give it a try."
In no time at all, Jack's thick Irish accent and ridiculous humor cheered me right up.
"Whapssh! Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome to Bio Inc. Redemption!" the Irish bean shouted at the camera. I chuckled and intently watched as he killed John Smith.
Eventually, I had watched the whole series. My favorite one was when Anti took over. (I'd consider myself a fangirl of him if I do say so myself.) Suddenly, I heard 2 sobs come from outside my window.
I suspected that Max was outside, but wanted to double check. I meandered my way over to the window and looked out of it.
Sure enough, Max was there, holding a ukulele. "No way," I muttered as I began to walk away.
"Wait!" Max pleaded. "Please, Y/N! Hear me out! I know what I did was wrong, and I'll never do it again! Just come back over here!"
I sighed and did what was asked of me. I propped my elbow on the windowsill and rested my face in my hand. "Okay, then. Spill." I almost felt sorry for Max as I saw that he had a tear-stained face.
Max held up a quivering index finger. "N-not yet. I-I wrote you a song." He held up his ukulele. "And I'm gonna play it on here."
I rolled my eyes. "Fine."
Max looked overjoyed that I would listen, and began to play a chord. The melody was slow, and it was very complex. "Oooh, Y/N. You wormed your way into my heart," Max sang. His singing voice wasn't the best, but it was a nice gesture. I couldn't help but crack a smile.
"When I tried my best to tear you apart. But now I want you. I'll be happy as can be, if you stay with me." Max then strummed one final note, and I smiled. He smiled at the sight of me smiling, so that made me smile even wider.
I quickly got myself together and cleared my throat. "Come inside and we'll discuss the matter," I deadpanned. I motioned for him to climb through the window.
He happily obliged.
"So...why did you do it?" I asked him, eating more of my ice cream.
Max bit his lower lip. "I...I'm not sure. I don't know what came over me. As soon as I kissed her, I immediately felt so freaking bad. And as soon as I kissed her, I wanted you."
I sighed and pat Max's shoulder. "I'll forgive you if you promise to never be unfaithful again."
Max beamed. "Promise."
Then we hugged. When we pulled apart, I gave a soft smile. "Go home, Max. You wouldn't wanna keep your dad waiting."
Max growled and climbed out the window. "Shut up."

A New Kind of Love~ (Max X Reader Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now