Hallucinations and Bullies

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It started off as any normal day. I went to school and hung out with my peeps. It was all peachy!
Until English, that is.
Max and I walked towards the classroom, hand in hand. "Ugh, we have that test today..," I complained, running my free hand through my h/c hair.
Max groaned loudly. "Ugh. I'm gonna fail. I kinda spaced out when she was discussing the material..,"
I shrugged. "I might do all right..,"
By that time we had gotten to the classroom.
I sat down at my desk, intently listening to Mrs. Frisbee's instructions.
When the papers were getting passed out, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head, and it was Max's. (Well no duh.) "You're gonna do great," he cooed, patting my shoulder.
"Yeah!" I heard another voice agree. I turned my head the other way, and Nikki was sitting there. "You're probably the biggest nerd I know! Besides Neil, maybe..,"
"Gee, thanks," I muttered, rolling my eyes.
Max snorted slightly.
Once everyone's papers were passed out, Mrs. Frisbee told us to start the test.
I scratched my pencil along the paper, the material that we had learned buzzing its way through my brain.
I was on the third question, and I started to feel a bit strange...
I had this really suspicious pain in my stomach. 'Huh. This is weird,' I remember thinking.
I decided to brush it off.
But then the pain moved to my head. It was a splitting headache that I couldn't seem to shake.
Then I started to see black spots. Sweat trickled down my forehead and hands, one of which was still gripping the pencil.
That's when I slid my pencil across the paper accidentally. It made a small squeaking noise.
I rested both hands on my face as I heard maniacal laughter. Shaky breaths escaped my mouth as everything went black for a moment.
"Y/N, are you okay?" I heard Max's voice whisper. However, it was very distant.
Once the classroom could be seen once more, a blonde-haired guy in a white suit with piercing blue eyes looked at me, holding a cup of what looked like Kool-Aid.
"Oh, hello, Y/N!" he said cheerfully. His voice sounded a lot like David's. "Fancy seeing you here!"
I tried to say something back, but the words got caught in my throat. All that came out was a pathetic whimper.
"Aw, there's no need to talk, Y/N!" Daniel said silkily, stepping up to me. "You just have to listen."
"Y-you can't make me do crap," I stuttered, quiet enough so that nobody would hear me, but loud enough so that Daniel could.
"Oh..," Daniel smirked evilly. "It's unfortunate you feel that way. But, you see, I can. And I will."
"How so?" I asked quietly, slightly more confident.
"You'll find out soon enough," Daniel responded, replicas of Max, Nikki, and Neil beginning to appear beside him.
"You wouldn't..," I growled, clenching my hands into fists.
"Oh, but I would!" that cultist laughed, pulling a knife from his pocket and stabbing the replicas.
Tears began to escape my eyes. "No. No, no, no, no..,"
"It's only a matter of time~!" Daniel said, shoving the now bloody knife back into his pocket.
Then a red and black aura seemed to line the room. "It's a shame, but I have to go now," Daniel said. "I'll see you soon..." His voice got all deep and distorted at the end.
Then he faded away as quickly as he came.
I was still shocked. I was sitting in my seat, my mouth slightly agape. I was wondering what was gonna happen to my friends.
I then heard the bell ring. Finally...3rd period!
I stood up and quickly went to my locker to fetch my books.
"Y/N! Wait!" Max called out to me. "I need to talk to you!"
I just kept walking, ignoring his desperate pleas.
Once I got to my locker, I heard a familiar gruff voice say, "Hey. Nerd."
My body tensed up; I knew that voice.
Two words: Isaac. Stevens.
I slowly turned around, my hands beginning to shake. Stevens was the biggest bully in our high school. "Yes, Isaac?" I squeaked.
"I saw you freaking out in class," he sneered. He put his face close to mine, making me press my back against my locker. "You need mental assistance?"
I gulped and covered my face with my hands. A few tears trickled down my cheeks as I remained silent.
Then I felt hands push me to the floor. My head slammed against the locker door, and my vision became blurred for a second. It refocused to see Isaac laughing his head off, with bystanders chuckling beside him.
My face went red from embarrassment.
I then saw an enraged Max stomping up to Isaac and smacking him across the face. "Watch who you're talking to, idiot!" he snarled.
A soft smile crept upon my lips.
Isaac rubbed the spot where Max had hit him. "Why should I?" Isaac spat.
"Because she's my girlfriend!" Max responded angrily. "And if you mess with her, you mess with me!"
Isaac growled.
Max growled back and shoved him into a locker. Then he reached a hand out to me. "So...what happened in there?"
On our way to third period, I told him everything that I saw. What I felt, even. Max just gave polite nods and soft smiles.
At the bed of the conversation, I stopped walking. "Max...I think this hallucination is a warning sign..."

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