A Drop of Your Blood

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   Y/N's POV

   Sundays. The days where you can relax. At least, that's how it usually went in my household.
   Key word: USUALLY.
   However, there are some days that don't go according to plan.
   This is the Sunday where...I'm not gonna spoil it. So, let's say...where my daily routines got a bit mixed up.
                         * * * *
   I woke up to unnerving quiet. Usually, on Sundays, at least, you can hear the buzz of the shows on TV that my mom watches.
   But there was no sound whatsoever.
   Ears ringing, I slowly got out of my comfortable bed. I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty freaking scared.
   I made my way down the hallway, hands trembling slightly from nervousness.
   Once I got to the living room, it looked extremely barren. 'Where the hell is Mom?' I thought, cocking my head to the side like a dog.
   The color seemed to drain out of the room without my mom there. Which is pretty weird, considering that my mom usually makes my life a lot darker.
   "Mom?" I feebly called. "Where are you?"
   No response. I made my way to the bathroom to check if my mom was there.
   No one.
   I checked the laundry room.
   No one.
   Hell, I even checked the attic, which we had never been in before. All I saw were about a thousand spider webs and dust collecting in the corners of the room.
   A sigh escaped my lips as I creaked down the stairs. Maybe she went to get Starbucks or some crap like that.
   So I decided to just sit on the couch until she got home.
   Suddenly, the TV turned on.
   All by itself.
   The sudden noise made me jump. "What the hell?" I whispered. "Did Mom install a motion detection thing?"
   Boy, I was super clueless to what was happening. Like, how did I not put 2 and 2 together? How did I not know that...never mind.
   Then, the volume turned up to 100, the maximum amount.
   I blocked my ears, curling into a ball on the couch. With the sound still blaring, I uncoiled and scanned the room for the remote, still blocking my ears. 'Maybe I sat on it,' I thought, looking under me.
   Finally, I spotted it on top of the TV. "Am I hallucinating?" I wondered aloud, uncovering my ears. I got up from the couch and grabbed the remote, turning it down to 24.
   I like 24.
   I continued to watch the TV, a bit paranoid about what may or may not happen next.
Right when I was letting my guard down, I saw a hand press a paper towel covered in some kind of chemical to my mouth.
"MM! MMMM!" I yelled through the paper towel, trying to push the hand away.
It was no use. I turned my head around to see who the hell was most likely poisoning me.
Daniel was there, wearing a maniacal grin. He chuckled and began to stroke my h/c hair with his free hand. I pushed it away, the strength leaving my body.
My eyelids felt heavy, and I struggled to keep them open. I let out a muffled whimper, and fell asleep.
* * * *
My eyes fluttered open, and my vision was trailing in and out of focus. I was laying down on my back, I knew that much. I was about to sit up, but something prevented me.
I looked at my wrists, and saw that they were chained up. My eyes then moved down to my ankles, which were chained up as well.
I began to struggle against my restraints. I let out a grunt as I tried desperately to free myself.
"It's no use," I heard a familiar voice chuckle.
The sound of it made me want to strangle the one behind it. I moved my head towards the source. To my dismay, Daniel was there, smirking. He had a knife clutched in his fist, and he was gripping it so hard that his knuckles were turning white.
"Damn you..," I muttered, turning my head away.
I heard footsteps making their merry way towards me, which caused me to look back at Daniel.
He was coming towards me, a smirk still spread across his cultist face.
Once he got to me, I turned my head away again. But he put a finger under my chin and lifted it up. "What did you say?"
"I said, DAMN YOU!" I screamed, jerking my head away.
Daniel chuckled once more and smacked me across the face. "OW!" I yelped.
"I wouldn't say that if I were you," he said calmly.
   "Because we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way. You can lose only a little blood, or a lot. Which one do you choose?"
   I pondered a bit. Like, not losing a lot of blood would be great, but I didn't want him to think I was weak.
   "You can do whatever you want to me," I told Daniel, standing my ground. I looked at him, confidence flashing in my eyes. "Try me."
Daniel sighed. "Listen, I only need a drop of your blood to take control of your body. Are you really sure that you wanna do this the hard way?"
"Obviousl-wait, huh? Take control of my body?" I questioned, arching a brow.
Daniel smirked. "Precisely. I will possess your body to kill the ones that are close to you."
He put the blade of the knife so close to the skin on my arm that I could almost feel it brushing against the skin. My face went pale, and I gulped. "Do whatever you want. I'm not giving you the satisfaction."
Daniel sighed and shrugged. "Suit yourself."
He shoved the blade deep into my arm, causing me to scream shrilly. He sliced it all the way up to my shoulder, and I bit my tongue to stop myself from screaming.
Daniel chuckled and fished a Ziploc bag from his pocket, the knife magically staying implanted into my skin. "This will come in handy."
There were multiple drops of blood trickling down my arm, and Daniel caught every last one of them. A tear dropped down my cheek, and I shut my eyes tightly.
Then, I felt the knife be yanked from my body. I gasped at the sudden, painful movement. I opened one eye and asked Daniel, "Are ya done?"
Daniel shook his head. "Not quite yet. You're quite fun to play with, and it would almost bring tears to my eyes to see you leave." He grabbed my hand tightly and smirked. "Be back in a moment, my princess~." He then slowly let go of my trembling hand.
He left after that. I lie there, still for a moment. Then, I began frantically struggling against the chains that were holding me down.
"Break. Free. Please," I said to the chains. I'm so smart. Talking to chains.
Daniel makes me freaking crazy.
A minute later, Daniel came back, holding a water hose. He looked excited, to say the least.
"All right, I have many more things planned, but-" He shoved the spout in my mouth. "-we'll stick with the classic drowning procedure for now." He then made his way over to a...switch? On the hose?
"What kind of hoses have switches?" I tried to ask through the spout, but all that came out was a mumble.
"Hush. Don't ruin my fun."
He turned on the hose, and a strong stream of cold water filled my mouth. I attempted to scream, but all that came out was a muffled gurgle.
I desperately tried to swallow the water that was most likely entering my lungs, but every time that I did, more water would take its place.
Daniel was clearly enjoying this. He was smiling and watching me suffer. A couple of times, he even stroked my hair. I didn't even try to push it away. I just accepted my fate.
   Finally, Daniel shut the water off and removed the spout from my mouth. I began coughing up a waterfall of water, shuddering violently.
   "Time to take control of  your body," Daniel said to himself, chuckling slightly. However, his voice was muffled because I was starting to black out.
   "D-didn't you say that you had m-more things planned?" I asked with the little strength I had left.
   "I just wanted to scare you. With you blacking out, drinking your blood will let me take control of your bo-"
   He was cut off by me passing out.

   Don't ya love cliff-hangers? Ooooh, the next chapter's gonna be something. Ok bye.

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