Tell Me You Love Me-Chapter 14

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We both turned around to see Addley standing there and I relaxed. Jerod was standing there with a terrified look in his eyes. I walked over to my best friend. "What the heck is going on? Lily, why are you kissing our teacher?" She looked confused and shocked.

"Addley, listen to me. You know Jerod, the 22 year old Jerod that I met at a party this summer? Well, when we got to school, I found out that it was Mr. Callahan." She needed to understand and listen to me so that we didn't get in trouble.

She looked from me to Jerod and back again. "Wait, you have been dating Mr. Callahan since the summer and you didn't tell me? I thought we were best friends Lily!"

I smiled. Leave it to Addley to walk in on me kissing a teacher and the only thing she could focus on is the fact that I didn't tell her. "Of course we're best friends Addley. But you have to understand. If anyone were to find out about us, I could get in huge trouble and he could get fired." There was understanding in her eyes, but I knew that she was still mad.

"I wouldn't have told anybody you know. I would never do that to you. You're my best friend." She looked at me with her wide eyes and I felt a pang of guilt that I didn't tell her. Even though we could have gotten into huge trouble, Addley was my best friend and I should have told her.

I nodded. "Okay, I promise. No more secrets. We'll tell each other everything from now on." She had a look of guilt on her face that made me wonder if she was hiding something.

Addley looked down at the floor. "Okay, well now that we're not keeping secrets anymore. You should know that I've been dating Luke for a week and a half now."

I looked at her, shocked. "What? Our Luke? Our best friend Luke? How couldn't you tell me?"

She looked at me again. "How couldn't you tell me that you've been dating our teacher? I think that's a little bigger than me dating one of our friends."

"Call it even?" I asked and Addley nodded. I knew that this was why she was my best friend. We hugged eachother and pulled away laughing.

Jerod finally found his voice. "Listen, girls. As nice as it is to be here to witness you're break through, we need to discuss this. If this gets found out, then Lily and I will get in trouble. But at the same time, it may be better for me to just go to Principal Moyer and tell him or maybe we should just call it off." He started pacing back and forth.

"No!" I looked at him, terrified. That could not happen. "You can't go to Mr. Moyer! Then we wouldn't be together anymore. And we don't need to break up. Come on Jerod, Addley isn't going to tell anyone about us."

"I promise Mr. Callahan, my lips are sealed." She held one finger up to her lips.

Jerod started to pace a little. "But if anyone were to find out and then they found out about-" I grabbed his arms, making him stop pacing and look at me.

"Listen to me. No one is going to know. It was Addley who found out. She's not going to say anything to anyone. We'll just be way more careful and we won't do anything at school. Ever. Now please stop with the crazy talk and we can move on. We were lucky that it was Addley and not someone else. We just need to be careful."

He nodded. "Alright. Why don't you and Addley go home. It's getting kind of late." I nodded and looped my arm through Addley's.

"See ya later Mr. Callahan." Addley said, waving at him as we walked out. When we got down to my car, Addley practically freaked out. She was firing questions at me faster than I could answer them and I was actually relieved when I pulled up in front of her house. "Bye Lily! You're gorgeous!" She yelled, getting out of my car.

"Bye Addley, you're amazing!" I yelled back and laughed as I drove off. I couldn't help but think how lucky Jerod and I were that it was Addley who caught us and not another teacher or one of the clicky girls at my school. I was also secretly a little relieved that I didn't have to hide our relationship from Addley anymore and that I could talk openly about my boyfriend with my best friend.

I went inside and found a note from my mom saying that her and my dad were at a business party at her boss's house and wouldn't be home until late. I scribbled a note that I was staying at Carissa and Scott's apartment tonight. I smiled and quickly got my phone out. 'My parents are out late. Mind if I come over?' I texted Jerod. I got a reply less than a minute later.

'See you soon babe.' I smiled. This bad day was about to get a lot better. I drove to Jerod's house faster than I should have but I couldn't wait to get there. Jerod was waiting for me in his apartment. I literally jumped into his arms and he kissed me feverishly. "I'm sorry for getting so upset today." He mumbled in between kisses.

"It's okay. I forgive you." I wanted him to stop talking and keep kissing me, but he pulled away.

"No, it's not okay. I got mad at you for no reason and then I kissed you and it almost turned out very badly." I walked up to him and hugged him.

"But it didn't turn out very badly. If you wouldn't have kissed me, then I would have kissed you so it's not like I was any better. I want you to stop feeling so guilty and start kissing me again.

"Gladly." He smiled and crashed his lips to mine. I sunk my hands into his hair as his hands freely roamed around my body. I loved and hated the way that my body responded to this man. It sucked that he was my teacher and that our relationship had to be hidden for right now, but he was worth waiting for.

Tell Me You Love Me {Student/Teacher}Where stories live. Discover now