Chapter two.

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Warrens pov;

I frowned as I walked outside towards the parking lot where I was supposed to meet Max, but stopped when I ran into Kate, she smiled at me and waved me over. I walked over to her and was surprised when i saw her sat next to max of all people.

"Oh hey Max." I smiled at her but i could tell my voice came out more awkward the necessary, she picked up on it and stood up quickly and quickly told Kate she'd talk to her later and ran off towards the dorms.

I took her place and Kate looked up at me, she seemed really sad and odds are it was Nathan's fault but when i asked her about it the name which she said shocked me to the core. I would never expect her to have hung out with Victoria.

"She's changed so much since the start of school, she bullies me and she has become a total...not nice." She closed her eyes and smiled sadly "but i mean God is always leading us all in the right direction."

I nodded and patted her on her shoulder, she smiled gratefully and stood up saying a quick goodbye and heading towards the girls dorm. I stood up and looked around almost falling backwards as my eyes met Nathans.

"You're too persistent. I've seen the graffiti Nathan, Warren Gayram so original." I glared at him and he rubbed his neck awkwardly. "Now if you dont leave me the hell alone i will beat the shit out of you."

Nathans face once again contorted into anger, his leg was shaking rapidly. I made a mental note of it and stood up and made my way to the parking lot and sat on top of my car. I waited for Maxine.

Chloe's pov;

That kid has some serious balls, talking up to that psycho. Nathan Prescott will probably beat the living daylights out of the poor boy.

Oh well, if it gets out of hand ill just hit him with my truck.

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