chapter 6

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Nathans pov; [Dream]

"No stop, let me go!" Rachel yelled as i forced her into the chair, she was squirming about really roughly and i was getting pissed off. I grabbed the syringe and filled it with the clear liquid that would make her unconscious till tomorrow or whenever i decided to wake her.

"Prescott! You asshole-" She couldn't finish her sentence as she was forced into sleep, i began the work Mark had let me do.

As i started to take photos her face and body contorted into something else...someone else. I looked out from behind my camera to see Warren staring at me fear in his eyes. He tried to move but his arms where kept in place, just like Rachel's were.

"Nathan please stop this! Don't kill me like you did Rachel!" He yelled tears running down his face, i walked over and went to untie him but a loud bang made my body turn. I stood face to face with Mark a gun in his hands.

I turned back to Warren as blood ran down from his head, Mark had shot him in the head. I turned to face Mark once more, my blood boiling. But then i woke up in a cold sweat. The sun was shining in through my window and Warren was nowhere to be seen.

I turned on my phone and a text from warren came through, someone mustve told him my number i smiled at it and read it over.

[Warren. Tuesday. 8:30 AM]

Thanks for taking me out to see that movie

I didnt bother replying, id probably see him today anyway. It was a good feeling having Warren to myself for a whole night. But it truly wasn't enough, he was my first love in forever and nothing was going to prevent him from falling in love with me.

Hopefully he doesn't think I'm a big the others did.

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