Chapter 13

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"Nathan! Nathan! Slow down, where's Warren?" I asked him as he paced in Chloe's room about six seconds away from a panic attack. I know everyone had seen the video and the meetup time was not that far away and here Nathan was telling me about Warren being kidnapped by Jefferson and taken to a Darkroom.

"Mark, Mr Jefferson, took Nathan to an old barn not that far out of town. He usually takes girls out there and its all my fault he took Warren I had taken photos of him in duct tape and Jefferson liked what he saw so he asked Warren to be his model and, and, and." I sighed to myself and rewound time, he blinked and looked at me. He frowned and took quick breaths trying to calm himself down.

"You have a car. Lead us there. Chloe go get David...we need someone like him." Chloe sighed and went to do as I said, she knew I wouldn't ask unless I absolutely had to. And this was a matter of absolute urgency. Today was Tornado day. And no-one was going to die. Not this time.


My eyes felt heavy and I couldn't move one bit, I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. It was all black except where I was. It was set up like a photography shoot.  I looked down at my body to see there was duct tape keeping me in place. It was around my waist, wrists and ankles. I tried to call out for help but that was when I realised there was also tape on my mouth.

"Oh he's awake." It was a voice I vaguely remembered and I looked up at them to see a guy I recognised and Mr. Jefferson staring at me. A smile on both of their faces. Mr. Jefferson stepped closer to me and placed a hand on my cheek.

"I don't understand how a guy can have such untapped beauty that can be brought out in duct tape." What Jefferson said made me sick to my stomach, I couldn't do anything about him touching me as I couldn't move. His hand moved from my cheek to my neck, then down my chest till he reached the tape keeping me from moving about. "Do you want me to let you go Warren? Say yes if you do."

I glared at him, he knew I couldn't fucking say anything and that just made him smile even more. "Silence means no, what a dedicated student to his teacher." He leaned closer to my ear and for some reason I shuddered when he spoke. "What a good boy you are Warren, a very...very good boy."

I growled at him and he gave me a very quick but painful slap, I stared up at him as my eyes brimmed with tears. "Now lets discuss the price." He turned back to the guy and I took that as my opportunity to try and get the tape off of any part of me. Everything felt like it was a second skin on mine except my ankles. They were much less loose. I began to try and get them free and I got one free but Jefferson seemed to here me grunting as I moved about.

"Sounds like the good boy needs to sleep for a while." He walked over to the metal cart that you usually see in hospitals and moved it closer to me. He unscrewed the lid to some sort of liquid and went to grab a syringe but I quickly kicked it making the liquid go everywhere.

Jefferson stepped closer to me and I couldn't go anywhere, he pulled the roll of duct tape off the small desk to my right and I frowned under the tape, he held my ankle in place and taped it tighter then last time. He also added more to my other ankle. "Warren, good boys do not kick." He grumbled as he lead up to my face.

He ripped off a strip of tape and smiled, "For that you get a penalty, you loose the privilege to see for a while. Until i think you are truly sorry." He placed the tape over my eyes, I couldn't protest and everything was black. I couldn't do anything.

I was completely and utterly helpless.

This spark man, its going far. 3 PARTS! anywho bye, working on the next one

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