I could barely drive to the Darkroom on my own, I had to have David Madsen follow my instructions on how to get there cause I couldn't keep it together. Max and Chloe were following us and as we reached the old barn I spotted that Jefferson's car was still there. "David...let me go in first with Max. I don't want anyone to get hurt for this." He went to protest but Max had jumped out and walked over to the car.
"Lets go Nathan." She muttered as she looked towards the old barn, I followed her into it and unveiled the entrance. We climbed down the steps and I told her too wait out here for a second. I put the code in the door and opened it to hear Jefferson taking pictures of Warren. I frowned but tried to stay cool as I walked to his side.
"Ah Nathan, good to see you." Jefferson smiled at me and I almost grabbed the closest object and whacked him with it when I saw Warren. "And you are here because?" I shrugged and sat on the couch. I could see Max from here and she was studying the area, I guess she had been here before.
Warren seemed to be drugged and was asleep, I thanked god he was perfectly safe. I looked up at Jefferson but he was staring back at me with a massive smile. "Don't tell me you are in love with Warren Graham. Imagine what that would do to your family's reputation."
For some reason that pissed me off past reason and I shot to my feet and got in his face, "I dont give a fuck Jefferson! My family mean nothing to me when it comes to Warren. I actually finally fucking love someone other than myself and if my family dont like that then im no longer a Prescott."
I felt something press against my stomach and I looked down to see Jefferson holding a gun, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer as he pressed down the trigger. I didn't feel anything and everything just went white and then I was back in the car with David Madsen.
"David come with us." Max ordered and we did the whole process again but this time with David, I opened the door walked up to the couch and sat down. Jefferson said exactly what he did last time but this time instead of getting in his face I pulled out my own gun and smiled at him. He pulled his out and was ready to shoot.
David stepped in and pointed his gun at him, Jefferson looked like he saw a ghost as I shot him. But then of course Max rewound and walked in with David. "Mr. Jefferson. I know what you did." She had the folders in her hand, but how did she get them from the back of the room.
"Max, you were next on my list actually but thanks to Nathan you have been spared." Jefferson smiled and Max didn't flinch she just pulled out a picture. She stared at it for a while and then she looked at Jefferson.
"I wonder what the cops would do if they saw this." She had a picture of Jefferson taking a picture of Warren who was in the same position as he was now, "Nathan untie Warren." I nodded and walked past Jefferson but out of his reach. I pulled the tape off his eyes and they opened quickly. He began to thrash about but when he saw me he stopped.
I tried not to hurt him as I untied him, when I was finished he stood up and hugged me. I hugged him back just as quick and that was when I heard a gun shot, Max screamed no and I knew she was going to rewind. She did and it was to the point just before I had finished untying Warren.
"Nathan stop." Max ordered and I did, I stood up straight and turned to face Jefferson who had his gun pointed at Warren. So thats who got shot. "Alright Jefferson, I know every possible outcome that could possibly happen now. If I stop you from shooting Warren, You'll shoot Madsen. If I do nothing Warren dies."
Jefferson smirked and pointed his gun at Max, Max had a bleeding nose and by the looks of things she might not be able to rewind again. Jefferson pressed down on the trigger and Max just moved quicker then humanly possible. I think she may have slowed down time for herself somehow.
She had untied Warren and stood back where she had started just as the bullet hit the wall behind her, "Listen here Jefferson. I am giving you one last warning. Stop it, now." She was pissed, Warren stood up and grabbed my hand this time. I held his hand tightly, my leg began to shake as I watched the situation unfold.
David had moved round the back of Mark during the time Max was moving about at light speed and had a syringe in his hand. It was completely full. That much would kill him, I should know. David injected the liquid into Mark's neck and he fell limp to the floor in a matter of minutes. "Now Nathan, get yourself and Warren to the hospital. Get Victoria and Kate out of town along with yourself. Me and Chloe will find you in a few days, I promise."
I nodded and lifted Warren into my arms and began to leave the darkroom, it was raining heavily and as I drove back into Arcadia Bay there was a tornado on the horizon of the bay. When we got to the hospital everyone was panicking. I left Warren in the car and went to the reception desk, "Kate Marsh, what room is she?" I asked urgently.
The receptionist told me and in a few minutes of me yelling at the chief doctor I had gotten Kate discharged and had both her and Victoria in my car, the Tornado was closing in and I think I knew why.
It was Max, she had caused it. Her and her powers had caused this.
As soon as we made it onto the highway leading out of Arcadia and heading North someone had sent an alert to all Arcadia bay citizens to find shelter and stay safe in anyway possible. I felt like shit knowing that if Max couldn't do anything the tornado would kill her and erase Arcadia Bay off the map.
"Nathan." Warren looked over at me and I just shook my head, muttering out that now really wasn't the time. But he just said my name again, I didn't glance at him but he carried on with whatever he was going to say. "Thanks for saving me."
I just nodded and almost slammed on the breaks when I felt Warren kiss my cheek. I turned to him blushing and he just smiled looking back out the window, I turned my attention back to the road as we reached the section that was burnt by the wildfire but it looked like nothing had happened.
I just hope Max and Chloe are okay.
Woo boy, final part will be posted soon. dont know whether Max should save Arcadia or go off with chloe to find Nathan, Warren, Kate and Victoria like Max promised. anyway bye

Ghramscott; How to love
FanfictionOn Monday, Warren had awoke from a strange dream all about him falling in love with his long term crush after a massive adventure with Max Caufield, Chloe Price, Kate Marsh and Victoria Chase. Little did he know, Nathan had awoken from the same dre...