chapter 9

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Warrens pov;

"Warren holy shit!" Alyssa murmured as she gripped me tightly, she was watching in horror as Kate looked down at us. I caught a glimpse of max running as fast as she could into the school building but it seemed to be twice the speed.

I turned to look back at Nathan who had disappeared from sight, no one could tell me in that moment what would happen. Not Max, not Alyssa...the only thing that was running through my head was fear and anger. I was scared of Kate, if she jumped, and i was pissed at Nathan. He just ditched us.

"What are you doing here, Max?" Kate turned her head to look at Max, who had made it up to the roof lightning fast. Alyssa gripped me tighter, i held her comfortingly and tried to tell her everything would be okay...but i guess it wouldn't be, even if Max could talk her down she wouldn't be the same.

"Max, I'm in a nightmare and I can't wake up...unless I put myself to sleep. Then everybody at Blackwell can post pics of my body; I'm already on the internet forever. No wonder they call it a 'web'; nothing can ever get out. Like my video... I wish I could go back in time and erase everything..." Kate had taken a step back as she said that, Alyssa turned away and crouched down gripping her knees. I stared up at the roof, as if i was frozen in time.

I looked around, Dana was yelling at Kate to get down. Victoria was stood with her clique, Madsen had entered the school building and Brooke was kicking at a trashcan damning the whole vortex club to hell for that video and for what they had done to Kate.

Max stepped closer and outstretched a hand everyone froze in fear wondering if Kate would take that final step but she didn't, she reached out for Max and she was pulled away from the edge. Blackwell let out a relaxed sigh that day, I pulled Alyssa to her feet and she hugged me tightly. Still no sign of Nathan, im going to kick his ass if he shows no remorse for Kate.

Nathans pov;

I dont know why but the tears wouldn't stop streaming from my eyes as i led on my bed, i covered my eyes with my arm as the light was hurting them. I shouldn't be crying for Kate, the only time i was friends with her was when i was dreaming and then again sometimes we didnt get on at the best of times.

I closed my eyes and thought for a second, the dream felt so real and i can remember some details almost as if they did happen. What seemed like a daydream filled my head, i re watched it multiple times before opening my eyes and sitting up straight.

"Come on everyone squeeze in!" A blue haired girl yelled that day, blue hair? blue hair...who has blue hair? Then it clicked, Chloe price was there that day....who else?

The designer clothes, definitely Victoria. The cross necklace, Kate Marsh all the way. Polaroid camera that Max was holding it pointing towards a varsity jacket, which was obviously me and then a mess of brown hair being Warren.

"Kate your squishing me!" Victoria hissed as she pushed against my back and Max chuckled, I had looked over at Warren who smiled at me and leaned over giving me a quick kiss on my lips. Kate managed to squeeze in and then Max took the photo.

That photo! It wasn't a dream that day, i can remember everything. I ran towards my door and ran past everything, the mourners of Kate and everyone asking me where i had been that whole day. I made it to Max's room which was open to the public...or wasn't i just opened the door. Dana gave me a weird stare and i smiled at her, she smiled back but it was kind of unnerving.

I began to rummage through Max's belongings and i smiled to myself as i tipped her guitar upside down and a photo fell out. That was the photo of that day!

This photo will change everything.

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