chapter 10

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It was nighttime when Nathan knocked on my door, I opened it feeling kind of pissed off at him but when I saw the red tear streaks that painted his face and knew he had been crying over what happened today. He pulled me into a quick hug and buried his head into my shoulder, I hugged him back but I was shocked. He seemed to be completely destroyed, I held him whilst he silently cried.

He pulled away and smiled slightly, I shook my head at him and told him to go sit on my bed. And then realising how sexual that could be taken Nathan winked at me and i just rolled my eyes at him.

I looked down at his hands to see him holding a photo which had came from a Polaroid camera now there are only two people who use Polaroid camera's at Blackwell. That being Mr. Jefferson at times and Max all the time. I looked back up at him and saw him smiling innocently.

I just sighed and snatched the photo from his hands, to say i was quite shocked is an understatement. It was a picture of Me, Nathan, Max, Victoria, Kate and that blue haired chick from the parking lot incident.

"Where and how did you get this? Actually dont answer, you snooped through Max's room." I stated and he looked down at the floor guilty, i didnt care at that moment in time because im pretty sure this never happened.

"You said that aloud..." Nathan whispered almost bursting out laughing "That you dont care in this moment of time because you are pretty sure it never happened." I just stared at him in shock which made him burst out laughing.

I smacked him gently on the side of the head with the back of my hand and hissed in pain slightly but stopped laughing none the less. I stared at the picture and im pretty sure if we kept a hold of it Max would notice but im pretty sure she wouldn't care that a single photo was missing.

"What do you think this could mean?" Nathan asked as I continued to stare at the photo, my phone buzzed its ringtone suddenly blaring into life. I looked over at the caller ID and it was Max. "I think she noticed."

I quickly answered the phone, "Hey SuperMax!" I yelled into the phone and Nathan raised an eyebrow in confusion but i just waved a hand at him "What you doing calling me now?" Silence, i listened carefully to hear if she was talking but she didnt.

"Max?" Almost immediately after I said her name she seem to perk into life, she began to talk about her knowing that Nathan stole the photo  and that we should return it tomorrow or she was going to the principle about two things, the first being invasion of privacy and the second being Nathan.

"Nathan! You need to return this picture!" I yelled hanging up the phone and glaring at him, he shook his head and took out of my hands.

"No it just confirms my suspicions about Max, she's hiding something Warren. I have seen this situation before in a dream and it had this exact picture." Nathan snapped at me i just shook my head  at him, Max wasn't suspicious at all. She was just Max.

"Get out of my room Nathan...I'm not going to talk to you until you know that Max isnt some stupid psycho path unlike you!" I yelled at him, pushing him out of my door and closing it behind it.

I didnt hear Nathan walk away almost immediately he left a couple of minutes later....But i'll have to admit it was kind of a surprise to see a photo of us that none of us could remember apart from Max.

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