Chapter 15

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We hadn't heard from Max or Chloe in weeks, along with no news from Arcadia Bay. No family to get in contact with except from ourselves and now that we were no longer students we had to find a way to live on our own...and it was difficult to find a place which two guys (Who recently got together) and two girls could live together for relatively cheap. We had been living outside of Arcadia Bay which felt like two weeks, but it was two months.

When I said we hadn't heard from Max or Chloe in weeks, it was eight weeks to be exact. Two months. And somehow we hadn't been kicked out of our place, now to catch you up with what we have all been doing.

Kate Marsh was now working as a photographer, a wedding photographer. She didn't ever think she would but now she enjoys every wedding she attends. We never speak with her about Blackwell Academy as her time there wasn't as nice as it was for us.

Victoria Chase worked as a social media pr person or whatever they are called, and she actually seemed to be very kind outside of our past experiences with her. When she once would say, "Go fuck your selfie" now would say, "How was your day Kate? Warren, I'll do the dishes tonight. Nathan, I believe your going to be late."

I, Warren Graham, worked as a waiter in a cafe. Now that may sound like a very bad job but that's only part time. I have two part time jobs I get paid for and the second one is researching black hole anomalies, as I had experience with Max I understand a lot more.

And that leads me to my amazing boyfriend, Nathan Prescott. He works as a photographer, just like Kate, but he does it for free. I don't know why and neither do the other two, but the job he gets paid for is working in an Office. Pretty...boring, but hey it pays our bills when we all chip in.

We all had a week off, and that's what started this conversation off.

"Hey, why dont we go back to Arcadia Bay?" Victoria asked and everyone stared over at her as she picked up a fry and smiled, "I mean we haven't heard anything from our resident time traveller and her assistant."

I stared at her and looked over at Nathan who was looking over at me, he was chewing on a fry and as soon as he swallowed it down he spoke, "It could be...different." He looked at Kate and then at Victoria, "Remember what happened last time Max tried to save us, she caused a paradox as Warren would call it or whatever." 

"Maybe nothing happened...Maybe Max just hasn't contacted us?" Kate offered as an out for us all but I just shook my head and stood up as I was the first to finish eating, as always, I rubbed my hands together and smiled.

"One last trip to Arcadia Bay." I smiled. In the next day, at the same time as we left we got a text. All of us, the exact same text from the exact same person. The person was Max and she told us to meet her at Blackwell Academy.

It was scary, driving through Arcadia Bay. It was completely destroyed, the diner had a boat in its roof and the roads were bumpy as hell. Whales were being beached and houses were destroyed. We reached Blackwell and saw Chloe sat on her pickup truck smoking, Max was led next to her and as we pulled up to them they both smiled.

Kate immediately climbed out of Nathan's car and ran to Max, hugging her. "Max! You scared us to death! Two months it took you." We all frowned at each other before Max smiled and hugged Kate back.

"Well when you can rewind time, all the time in the world is yours. Me and Chloe travelled the worlds in two months. We even dropped by your place for Warren's birthday. That cupcake was us." She smiled and looked over at me and Nathan who were holding hands, she smiled even more and Chloe hopped off her truck and slapped her hands on the hood two times.

"Alright this calls for a road trip, I was thinking Seattle." We all laughed at her, and after ten minutes we were driving off.

Thats where our story ends, Max no longer could rewind time. Me and Nathan were happily together and that was what this hole journey was for, for me and Nathan anyway. But I think, if the blackhole theory is right, this wont be the end for much longer. Our story will start again someday.

Just you wait and see.

Welp thats that, peace.

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