Heartbreak Girl

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First period was about to start so I'm basically running to homeroom. I made it 30 seconds before the bell rang and slammed my books down on the desk. Luke looks at me weirdly and I sit down and huff.
"Wanna talk about it?" He leans over and whispers in my ear.
I look at him and he's smiling.
I lean over and whisper back, "Maybe later."
He looks at me and nods. After 1st period I started making my way to second when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into the janitors closet. I squealed and they shushed me. I opened my eyes and realized that it was only Luke.
"I was scared to death! Why the hell would you do that!" I yelled and punched him in the shoulder.
"Owww..." He whined and held his arm.
"I didn't even punch that hard. Just tell me why you dragged me in here." I looked up at him and he was biting his lip. "Don't do that." I add.
"Why?" He asks grinning.
"Because." I blush and he is looking down at me.
"That's cute. When you blush." He stated blushing a little himself. I smile.
"I got to get to second period. I'll see you at lunch." I didn't think twice, hugged him and left the closet making it to second period just in time.

After school, Luke and I walked home. Calum decided to go with Michael, and Juliet wasn't feeling well that day.
"You still haven't told me why you grabbed me and pulled me into the janitor's closet!" I protested and knocked into Luke with my side.
Luke stayed quiet, smirking as I groaned loud.
"Please!" I pouted batting my eyelashes.
"Nope." Luke said laughing. "Why does it matter so much to you?" He asked.
"I don't know, I'm a curious girl." I said matter-of-factly.
"Like Curious George. But you will never find out!" He mocked.
"I hate you so much." I didn't mean it, and Luke laughed.
"No you don't. You love me and you know it." He said as we turned and walked up my driveway.
"Sure...Thanks for...uh... walking me home." I stuttered as the distance between me and Luke got smaller.
His face was getting closer to mine. I panicked, clearing my throat and stepped back as Luke blushed and awkwardly took a step off my porch.
"Well, see ya tomorrow." Luke said smiling, his face red. I could feel mine heat up as I said "Yeah, Thanks." And ran into my house slamming the door close.
We almost kissed. He almost kissed me. I couldn't process it.
I ran to my room and dialled Juliet's number into my phone.
"Hello?" Juliet's voice croaked.
"Really?! Why didn't you!!!" She said trying to sound happy.
"I don't really want a boyfriend, plus what Ashton said." I admitted.
"Oh." She sounded deflated.
"What is wrong with you?" I switched the phone to my other hand, sitting on my bed.
"Ben..." Her voice cracked and I heard a sob. "Cheated on me!" She finished, I heard her sniffle. "I broke up with him last night." She said.
"Honey. That is horrible. I told you so though." I joked trying to make her laugh. It was a small chuckle and then another sniffle.
"Enough about me though, You and Luke should go out, screw what Ashton says." I got up and walked to my desk.
"I don't... I can't afford a boyfriend... I need to focus on school. Speaking of, got to go finish my homework."


I'm leaning in, me and her, inches, no centimeters apart, and she clears her throat and steps away from me.
Disappointed, embarrassed. That's what I felt. I blushed a deep red, "Well, see ya tomorrow." I smiled.
She replied, "Yeah, thanks." I turned around and walked away as fast as I possibly could. The only person I could talk to right now is Calum. So that's who I went to.
I rapidly knocked on the door and it was opened seconds later.
"Whats wrong?" Calum questioned opening the door for me I can get in.
"I almost kissed her Calum." I stated pulling on my hair. I do this whenever I'm stressed out.
"Woah, bro, calm down. Start from the beginning." He sits down and mutes the tube.
"OK. In school she was really mad at something, so being the nice guy I am..I asked her if she wanted to talk about it. She said later so after second period I dragged her into the janitors closet. Nothing happened there except flirting. Then this afternoon I walked her home. We were having a good time and I leaned down to kiss her, she started to then cleared her throat and stepped away. Fuck. I'm so stupid." I breathed and plopped down next to Calum.
"You're not stupid. At least you don't like something that's already taken. Plus, tomorrow everything will go back to normal." He chuckled. He un-mutes the tube and hands me an x-box controller. "FIFA?" He asks. I chuckle and nod. "Thanks bro." I say and we start the game.

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