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Hey so sorry for the long wait but here it is, the next chapter. So it is shorter than normal for us, which our chapters are pretty long so I'd say normal size, but so much happens and I hope you all enjoy it!!


OOC: It is about an hour and a half before the show starts.

Calum's POV:

I throw on a tee and walk around playing with my phone. "Dude, chill. Ashley is going to love it." Ashton pats my back and sits down at his warm-up drum. I hate lying to Ashton but if he knew that this song is about Jules, he would surely flip shit, so I just nod my head and continue to walk back and fourth. "Hello Losers!" I hear a very familiar voice ring out and my head shoots to the door. Hayden and Juliet walk through the back room's door and sit down on the small couch left of the mirrors. I tried to avoid eye contact with Jules because it would only make me more nervous. "So you guys excited to rock tonight?" Jules asks us as Hayden gets up and walks up to Luke and snatches his snapback off his head and running away. I focus on them running around and don't answer the question. "It's gonna be sick." Ashton is the only one to answer. "Speaking of sick. Calum you look like you are going to pass out. Are you okay?" Out of the corner of my eye I can see Jules get up and come over to me pressing the back of her hand to my head. "No fever, you nervous?" She asks starting at me. "Uh a little bit I guess." I stare at the Blink bracelet on my wrist.

"You will be amazing don't worry about it!" She rubs my arm smiling. "JULES!" I hear Hayden scream and my head snaps up to see Luke's hat flying over to us. Jules snags it and runs around Luke chasing after her and then her throwing it to Hayden who fumbles the hat giving Luke a chance to grab her and take his snapback while kissing the side of her head. I laugh a bit and grab my bass and start to warm up with Ashton. "Michael get off the computer and stop texting Carly. We need to warm-up" I say to Michael who is sitting in the corner of the room with his computer plugged into the outlet. "Ugh fine." He mumbles then gets up and grabs his guitar. "You too Luke." Ashton commands and Luke pouts then pecks Hayden's lips one more time then the two girls walk out of the room. "Good luck guys, you will do great!" They call behind their shoulders and then we start tuning up. About 20 minutes later, we're called backstage for one last check on everything while everyone piles in. For a small gig, its pretty packed, and I'm nervous.

"Now put your hands together for," the owner of the bar looks down at the sheet in his hand before he continues. "5 Seconds of Summer!" Everyone claps and we nervously look at each other before Ashton makes his way out first. I follow behind him and wave to the crowd as I throw my neck strap over my shoulder. I smile when I see Juliet smiling her widest, looking at me. I look a little to my left and see Ashley flirting with the bartender. Probably wanting to get a free drink off of him. We each introduce ourselves and start out with our first cover, Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus. We play a couple more songs before its my turn to introduce our original song.

"Okay guys! Thanks for being such a great audience so far! This next song is one that I wrote, its for one of my favorite people in the whole entire world. She's always there for me when I'm sad, and she's one of the main reasons I smile, but she just doesn't know it." I'm careful of what I say because I don't want to give away who this song is really about. Ashley pays no attention, while Juliet is looking up at me.

"So here's my song it's called Heartbreak Girl." Everyone claps before Michael starts the intro.

'You call me up, it's like a broken record saying that your heart hurts.' As I continue I take a moment to look at Jules. She probably remembers all of the times she has called me, saying those exact words because she looks at the floor before her gaze meets mine. She gives me a shy smile as Luke starts the chorus. 'I dedicate this song to you the one who never sees the truth that I can take away your hurt heartbreak girl'

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