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One Week Later:

We haven't really talk to the guys for a week, except for working on our French project. Even that, it was little conversation. I found myself back in the car for another awkward drive to school. "Ugh." I groaned as Michael, Luke and finally Calum got into the car. Ash gave me a weird look, still not catching on. I turned to Hayden, who was sitting next to me and shook me head, as they made an effort to get us to talk to them.

"Please!" Luke said.

We were silent. I guess they gave up, because the rest of the ride was quiet.

"Here we are once again." Ashton declared a little to perky for my taste.

"Thanks Ash." Hayden said. "Yeah thanks." I mumbled.

"So, we wanted to do something real quick, if that is okay." Calum said as they all walked next to us. I didn't answer of course, and Hayden just puffed out some breath and we followed them.

"Carter!" They said as each gave him a 'bro hug' I honestly still don't get that. "I believe we have neglected to have you meet some of our friends." Luke said smiling.

"This is Hayden, and Juliet!" Calum said motioning towards us and giving a quick wink. "Hi." I forced myself to say. "Sup." He replied like a stereotypical dumb jock. "Hey." Hayden said as well.

"Calum, what is the point of this?" I said annoyed. Carter left, having no need to be here any longer.

"Well, I.." He said then looked at Luke a moment. "We... felt horrible for pretending like we didn't know you." He elaborated.

"So now you are our friends, and Carter knows, we arn't ashamed of being friends with you guys." Luke continued.

"We just wish you will talk to us again." Calum said hopefully.

"We'll talk. But you're not getting off that easily." I caved in. I couldn't take the puppy eyes any longer.

"Okay, understandable." Luke and Calum said together. The bell rung loud for the 3rd time.

Hayden walked off and Luke trailed her.

"Walk with me?" Calum pleaded. "Fine!" I said laughing, at least I don't have to worry about not talking, that is very hard for me.

Its finally time for lunch.

I met with Hayden before walking into the cafeteria. We walk to our normal table and I start to unpack the food from my lunch bag.

"I'm so hungry!" I groaned and Calum sat next to me.

"Hello...." I turned to him confused.

"We are sitting here today." Calum answered pulling out a banana. Luke sat down on Hayden's side of the lunch table and she smiled. He smiled back and took out a banana as well. Hayden's face contorted, she hates bananas.

"Can we meet somewhere tonight to work on the project?" Luke asked swallowing some of the banana that was in his mouth.

"We can meet at the library. You know where that is right?" Hayden answered back and he nodded.

"Juliet." I heard from my right ear.

"Yeah?" I turned to Calum and he was looking back at me.

"Never mind." He smiled weakly and went back to his food. That was weird.

"So." I paused swallowing and making sure Calum was still listening. Hayden and Luke stopped listening a while ago and were talking about english class. " I was thinking for like, out project we" I fumbled with word, getting lost. "Do you know where you are going with this?" Calum asked snagging a chip from my tray. "Honestly, not a clue." I admitted, defeated. We haven't come up with much for french, except the basic background and design, thanks to Hayden,and it was due next week. "Well, I think it should be about the beach, sun, amusement rides and music." He suggested. "I actually really like that idea!!" I said excited we found what we were going to do. I smiled at him and he smiled as well. That is when I heard a cough. I looked up to see Ben standing there.

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