Chapter 8: The Truth About the Isle

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Chapter 8: The Truth about the Isle

I was utterly exhausted and I actually debated on sleeping in, but honestly, right now was probably the only way I was going to talk to Mal without Evie around. Evie is all about her beauty sleep. So here I was astral projecting at five in the morning to my sister so I could find out how Evie was taking the whole Cling Wrap thing. It was just going to be a quick stop. I wasn't even going to dress out of my pajamas because I was going to spell my room and nap the day away. I mean honestly, it wasn't a sight she hasn't seen before anyway.

"Shed the distance, shed the time," I yawned as I stretched, "take me to the ring like mine, Mal." When I opened my eyes, I was no longer in my room, but I wasn't in Mal's dorm either. What in the apples? The room was new and way bigger than the dorm rooms. I looked out the window at the crazy view outside and the balcony it lead too was humongous. Is this the pay of having Princey as a boyfriend? There were iron and glass furniture outside decorating it. I looked back over the room looking at the nice king sized bed that looked almost like you were laying on a cloud. Wait a minute, where was Mal? The bed was empty. My father's home must have froze over if Mal is actually up this early. "Mal!" I walked around. I went to the gigantic walk-in closet to check for her there. Why didn't I appear with her anyway? I should have shown up where the ring was. I stopped in my steps as I looked over the closet. This closet was full of guy's clothes. What? What was going on? Okay, maybe Princey gave Mal his room and hadn't had time to get all his clothes out yet. I walked out of the closet barely taking notice of the black shelf on the wall that was full of awards and trophies with Princey's name on every one. "You really are that story book Prince, huh? All you need is that damsel in distress Princess and you're officially a cliche fairytale." I suddenly heard the door open snapping me out of my voiced out thoughts. "Mal! What is going on?" I walked over to the door to find that it wasn't Mal coming through the door, but Princey. He wore a pair of jogging sweats and a white tank. His hair matty and wet from all the sweat rolling off him. He was talking on the phone. Although, he seemed to be mostly listening. "Mal's not here. I mean isn't it a bit early to be visiting your girlfriend? Fair warning, Mal is exceptionally mean when you wake her. Wouldn't be a problem would it?"

"No, of course not," He replied. I laughed. It honestly seemed like he answered. He seemed to notice something silver on the ground by his jacket. He bent down to pick it up too fast for me to really check what it was. "Uh..." His mouth fell open, but then he shut it as if changing his mind on what he was going to say. I turned around rolling my eyes at him.

"Yeah, sure," I muttered before turning around and walking toward him. "So what game are you playing? What do you gain from that little proclamation of yours anyway?" I stood in front of him looking up at him considering he was slightly taller than me.

"I'm not playing any game," He replied frowning shaking his head and I swear if I didn't know any better, I'd think he was looking me square in the eyes. "I just want to give everyone a chance they deserve."

"Yeah, right," I laughed bitterly as I turned away from him and walking toward the glass balcony doors, "I have yet to meet someone on this earth that doesn't act on their personal gain and trust me, I'm not meeting them now. Despite how much you want to deny it, Auradon is no better than us. If I'm honest, the Isle is probably better. There you could easily see the wickedness in people's hearts and souls, because we don't bother to hide it. Auradon is full of fakes and impostors trying to fit into the perfect shadows of their parents. What's the point of having this freedom if you still bind yourself to the acceptance of others? Others who shouldn't have any control in your life, but have plenty because you allow them too. That doesn't really sound like freedom to me. This chance we deserve. The chance to be held prisoners to this world of posers...?" I laughed. "No, thanks. Just be honest, you did it for the publicity. 'Oh, look at our king so noble and kind looking out for the poor lost children of the Isle'" I mimicked what some Auradon reporter might say.

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