Chapter 43 Life After The Battle

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 Rapture The Awakening By: LadyDawn

2012 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 43 Life After The Battle

Twelve years after the battle of all battles. Life for the Enforcers has settled down though the training never stopped. The children grew up and were all home schooled for their advanced skills and knowledge. They spent many months training at the camp back in Romania logging in thousands of hours and many kills more than their parents and grandparents before them ever had. 

The four children are now young adults in the twenty range and upward. Lady Gaia being the oldest of the lot and one very powerful Witch in her right, having been trained by the two of the most powerful Supreme Witches ever to have lived, Lady Xandria and her great great grand mother the Lady Zelma. Of course Samantha helped quite a bit in her training also with Sam being there with her quite ofter to practice with when she wasn't in England helping with her duties to the UK office or off on some witch hunt for this and that self proclaimed wannabe witch. Most of them she dealt with by herself, but on occasion brought the Lady Gaia with her for the practice of being out in the field witch hunting for dark witches. 

Little Bavo finally straightened up and flew right. And I do mean flew straight he is now able to fly and at speeds so fast he is almost impossible to see with the naked eye. Another one of the new powers he developed as he grew older. The last year they were at the training camp on their eighteenth birthday as they were getting ready to leave and were all up at the village Bavo reverted back to one of his old tricks and as everyone was walking down for the last time from the village he blew up the entire village leveling the place. There was nothing left to it when he was finished with it. That ended the use of it till we could totally rebuild the entire place which by the way is in the process. It will take years to complete. There was nothing left to the place after the explosion and fire. Same old Bavo. 

Lady Valia and Icka have truly grown up both physically and mentally. Their powers have grown with them as well. What was once strong abilities in them has surpassed anything anyone could have ever imagined for these four bright young adults. 

All four children are together living at Ravenwood now so they can be together, practice together, fight together should the need arise. There have been small skirmishes throughout the world since the great battle, but nothing like what they experienced in the past. 

They are fully trained and ready though there are no indications of anything happening in the near future. They are ready for it should it come. It was predicted in The Book of the ONES. They expect it and believe it will come, it is just a waiting game. The Awakening was a great battle for their parents, but their time came and went now it is their childrens time; the time that has been predicted. The time of the great Decision; will the human race survive? Will the Earth survive? Will there be a tomorrow? Only time will tell as was told in: The Book of the ONES. 

This story ends here, but the tale goes on into the next chapter of life for the children of the Enforcers. That is their story to tell in their own way, lets hope we are all here to be able to read it till the end!

Coming soon: The Final Battle (RAPTURE Series Book #3) In 2014

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