notecard doodle + a pure headcanon!!!

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broke: using my free time that I haven't spend on homework or other academic activities to draw

woke: drawing on a notecard during a presentation

(And of heckin course it's psychonauts. I'm on a psychonauts kick. I'm literally on the final level which I heard is hard and terrible and terrible and hard, wish me luck. but overall I love the game. I love it.)


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also a while ago during one of those nights where I just sit in my bed, listen to music, and occasionally write headcanons, something beautiful was created. and I must share it with all of you.

consider this: autistic Raz.

-His special interest is anything and everything psychic related, and once you bring it up he will NOT stop talking about it. The kid will hear someone say "psychonaut" from the other side of the camp and he'll pop out of a tree to info dump them. Naturally once he heard about Whispering Rock/The Psychonauts there was nothing stopping him from going there.

-He has trouble reading emotions from facial expressions, so for example if someone's giving him a judgmental glare he'll just be all confused like "why are you staring at me"

-socializing? he hardly knows her
-okay in all seriousness I imagine he has trouble holding conversations, clicking w/others, etc. and therefore making friends is tough. he's really only close w/Lili, Dogen (somewhat) and the counselors. however his recent adventures in the minds of others (counselors, thorney towers residents, etc.) has really helped him empathize better with others

-adding on to the previous points, I feel like he'd be able to easier understand Sasha simply because of how little emotion the dude shows

-lots of loud sound is extremely overwhelming to him, pls don't
-one example of this would be Cruller's announcements during the day, which he finds irksome due to the fact that they're so loud and so frequent. too many people talking/shouting at once is another

-also uhh yeah you know how he's a circus kid? yeah? he absolutely despised it there. blindingly bright spotlights, people screaming and cheering, the general giant melting pot of balderdash that it is... absolutely disgusting. of course he's grown a bit more accustomed to it as the years go by because it's a family thing, but it never stops being overwhelming

-I imagine that he'd stim by fiddling around with his goggles or gloves

This is such a blessed headcanon and I love it. I will die with it. Every time I think about it I will scream.

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