The Timekeeper: Continued

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Here we go again!

Once again, artist commentary will be in bold.

By the way, remember how I said Amia wasn't a real name?

By the way, remember how I said Amia wasn't a real name?

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I've been turned into a liar

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I've been turned into a liar.


Amia's weekend went well. Her mom admired her new pocket watch. "Who gave you that? It's pretty." Amia's mom said.

First of all, that should've said "Who gave you that watch? It's pretty," Amia's mom asked.

*sips hot cocoa* Little Toast, this is why you failed the spelling bee in 4th grade.

"Oh-uh-er-... Miss Penn gave it to me!" Amia stuttered with a fake, crooked smile. Well, she wasn't lying... "Oh, you mean the new science teacher? I heard she's a major airhead." Amia's mom replied.

Wow, rude.

"I don't think so. I think she's sweet," Amia remarked.

On Saturday, Amia had her usual cooking classes. Then she pondered for the rest of the day. Then she had a dream that the monster from Friday was truly alive again, and it killed her. Brutal. But Amia jolted awake before realizing it was a dream. "Ah... The whole timekeeper schtick was just a dream. Ahaha..."

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