Chapter 03

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Not even two tiny seconds after I open my eyes, Henry is running in my room and jumping on my bed repeatedly telling me that he "has a plan".

"Henry Garth, if you don't shut the hell up right now I am going to drop your ranking."

"Boss, I've got it! I know what we need to do today!"

"Yeah, I know, seeing as how you've announced that you 'have a plan' about fifty times in the past thirty seconds."

I look at him to give him the chance to explain his mastermind of a plan that he has worked up and he just gives me a blank stare in response.

I love Henry, I really do; he's been one of my best friends since we were in diapers but he's not always the sharpest tool in the shed. Don't get me wrong, he has his moments but right now is not one of them.

I widen my eyes and wave my hands in a rolling motion as another cue for him to continue and all I get is a pair of eyes widening at me and, "Are you oka-"

"Henry," I interrupt, "are you going to explain or not?"

"Oh – that, right! So, I was thinking that we really need to get over to that new pack's territory and see what's going on."

Giving him a sideways look, I slow my voice down as if I am talking to a child, "Henry, sweetie, we've already discussed this. Or do you not remember the whole spying thing we did yesterday?"

"Oh no, I remember the spying, alright. How could I forget the smell of those burgers?" He looks out of the window with a utopian look in his eyes – once again for his classic pinch of dramatic effect – before he continues again, "I was just trying to make sure we were on the same page."

"I don't think we're in the same book ninety five percent of the time but I always go along with what you say for the sake of it, bud."

"So, you know what they say – keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer; that's the approach we need to take. We should go over there as if we're trying to make friends. You know werewolves – they love the gossip so I have a feeling if we catch them at the right time, we can just go from there."

"I like where you're going with this – I really do – but who says that they're the bad guys? Why do they have to be our enemies?"

"Well, nobody really, but it just seemed like the best way to explain things."

"Alright, then, that's what we'll do. What time do you suggest we head over there?"

His eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store, "Really, you like my idea?" after a nervous pause he answered my question, "Um, okay, I was thinking that we go over there around dinner time? They'll have full stomachs and probably a fair amount of alcohol in their systems."

"I like it, Henry. If you pass Lilly while going wherever you're about to go, will you let her know that we won't go into the office until after lunch today?"

Giving me a nod and a salute, he headed out of the door.

Should I be offended that he seemed so surprised that I liked his idea?

I'm really not one for formality in the pack. I mean, yes, I do expect everybody to respect me, Lilly, and Henry but I also expect everybody to respect each other equally, anyways. And, yes, I do have rules for everybody to follow but so does everybody else in this world. But I always give Lilly and Henry just as much decision in everything as I have – most of the time their opinions on the matter are the only thing that influence me in making the final decision. They don't give themselves enough credit.

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