Chapter 18

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"What do you mean, 'we strike tonight'?" Lilly interrogated, "Shay, if you haven't noticed, we don't have a plan at all."

As soon as Henry announced that we would go after Tony and the Rogues tonight and I promptly agreed with him, Lilly marched over to us and dragged us both out of the room by our ears until she felt like we were safe from eavesdropping - which is pretty much useless considering, with the exception of Maggie, we were in a house full of werewolves.

Henry and I both opened our mouths to fight back but Alec then opened the door and quickly agreed with Lilly.

"She's right, guys," he said from the doorway, Kellan towering right behind him, "if we act on impulse because he messed with the kids and jump in with no plans, we're liable to get killed."

Henry decided to bite his tongue this time but I, once again, opened my mouth to argue with him by pointing out that the only reason he was agreeing was because Lilly is his mate but he beat me to the punch.

"And no, Shay, don't even begin to say what I know you're about to. I'm not agreeing with her because she's my mate, I'm agreeing with her because I don't want to see you guys dead."

I looked at Henry for support but, with Lilly sending her infamous death glare towards him, he looked defeated. Seeing that I wasn't going to get any support from him, I turned towards Kellan, who was giving me a sympathetic look which instantly told me that he agreed with the rest of them.

"Alaska," he spoke softly while walking towards me, "I know it's in your first instinct to fight whomever the poor unfortunate soul is that messes with those children - I feel the same about Ryder and now those four kids, too - but they're right. We have to be smart about this, diving into the deep end head-first is only going to get us hurt."

Taking a moment to let out a long, dramatic sigh, I nodded in agreement with them, wrapping my arms around myself before saying, "Fine, we'll plan this out the smart way before we go after them. But all of you are staying here tonight and I want the best warriors from both of our packs here for surveillance. I'm not taking any chances with those kids; no negotiations."

"Okay, no negotiations," Kellan confirms, wrapping both of his arms tightly around my shoulders, successfully holding my head against his impressively broad chest, "Do you want to ride with me over to my pack and see who we have?"

Telling him that I would like to join him, I look to Henry and Lilly, preparing to ask them if they would mind doing the same for our pack but, like always, they already knew what I was going to say.

"Don't worry," Lilly said, "We're already on it."

"And don't worry, Boss," Henry added, "We'll only get our very best and we won't order them to do it, I know you're funny about that."

After thanking them profusely, and giving my genuine thanks to Alec for watching the kids while we're all gone - an act that almost made Lilly visibly melt right on the spot.

Although I know that the kind people from Kellan's pack won't mind helping me out, that still doesn't make me feel any less guilty for disturbing whatever their plans may be.

But I don't beat around the bush when it comes to those kids.


It was no hours later than when Kellan and I left to go to his pack to ask some of his best fighters to protect our house tonight.

So, after Lilly and Henry spoke to our members, we currently have an even number of four women and four men eating dinner at our dining table, preparing to take shifts throughout the night so that our house - mainly the kid's rooms - were monitored all throughout the night.

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