Chapter 09

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As soon as Kellan said those words, he and I ran out of the house so fast I think we might have knocked over Dr. Barnes in the process. I jumped into the passenger seat of his car at the same time that got into the driver's seat. What should have been awkward silence was too clouded by my thoughts to be too heavy.

On the way over there, I texted Henry to let him know what was going on, I could have Mind-Linked him just as easily but I figured that I'd play it safe and make sure that he had written instructions as to when to take the lasagna out of the oven. We got there in record time and before I really knew what was happening, we were out of the car and running into his office just as fast as we had left my home – passing a very flustered and confused Lilly along the way.

When we reached his office, I made myself comfortable in his large spinning office chair while he made himself busy scanning the vast wall covered in book-laden shelves.

"Aha," he exclaimed, seeming to find what he was looking for and reached to a shelf a few rows above his head, his outstretched arms causing the end of his shirt to raise slightly, "this is it!"

He brought the book over to me and put the spine of it on his desk, causing the pages to fall open before he flicked to the table of contents, then to the page he wanted all in a rapid pace.

"Here," he said, sliding the book over in front of me, then leaning down so that his head was level with mine while we scanned the page.

Upon closer inspection, I realized that this wasn't an ordinary printed book like what you'd find at the library – though, the handwriting was so neat that it almost seemed that way at first. No, this book had been written entirely by hand and it made me curious as to if all the books that lined these shelves were like this.

A small and involuntary gasp left my lips when I finally found the name Tony Rogers in the middle of the right page, bringing my index finger up to indicate what I had found. It was an excerpt from an obituary.

February 9, 1958 – October 18, 2015. Harvey Rogers was born on a Sunday in 1958 and is survived by his son Tony Rogers, born in 1992.

That is was uncomfortably short obituary, usually they're filled with loving details about the person and characteristics that make them unique. This one was just straight to the facts.

Pulling my phone out, I took a quick picture of the writing and turned the page to find a large piece of writing that was dated with a familiar timestamp at the top. However, the print ends at the end of the page and the book stops there.

December 27, 2013

The second major attack in werewolf history came from the rogues again. Only, this time, it wasn't our pack that was hit, but rather a smaller one a few states north: The Roman Pack. I've had the pleasure of meeting their Alpha and Luna, Jean and Rick, and their two children, Peter and Shay. It is a sad day to see such strong leaders brutally murdered by the people that expect me to trust them. I am hoping that my weak 'friendship', if you can even call it that, will keep me and my family safe, however, I fear that I am in too deep. My condolences to the Roman's are heavy in the hearts of my Luna, Erica, and I, Grant.

That's odd, I wonder. If this was written before Harvey Rogers died, then why is it the page after his obituary excerpt dated before his death date?

I turned and looked up at Kellan to ask him, "This is dated kind of weird, don't you think? The page that your dad wrote is before Rogers died."

"Yeah, I added in the obituary piece on the blank space before the page that Grant wrote in, I wanted his work to stop on the page that he left it on."

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