Chapter 11

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My emotions have been giving me quite the internal turmoil these past few days, so much so that I haven't touched the books from Kellan's house, that I did the only thing I knew to do: called emergency meetings with my best friends.

Because Lilly can only focus on one person at a time nowadays, and because Henry seems to be annoying her more than usual lately, I decided to talk to them at separate times, giving us quality one-on-one time.

I was sitting in my office chair drawing doodles on the notebook sat before me, finding ways to control my boredom as I waited for Lilly. At four-thirty on-the-dot, she walked into my office, seemingly more professional that she has been recently.

As soon as she stepped into the room, I stood and gestured over to the lounge chairs in front of my fireplace.

"So, what's on your mind, Shay?" She asked, giving me all of her attention, which is something that nobody except for Alec has been used to as of late.

"Okay, first off, I need you to give me your honest opinion, not just what you think I want to hear. Second of all, before we even get into this, for the record, this topic isn't affecting my work at all – I'm working just as hard on the case as I was before," I said, feeling the need to convince her of something she already knew.

"I know that, Shay," Her voice was just as caring as it has always been, "What's got your mind all in a tizzy, hun?"

I let out a deep sigh before I spoke, keeping my focus on her to read her features, just to make sure she was telling me the truth, "Do you think I'm being overly sensitive about this whole mate thing? You know, between me and Kellan?"

Her eyes seemed to soften even more and she gave me a sympathetic smile, "Honestly, yes and no. I get where you're coming from because you are genuinely the busiest person I know, but you really do need to lighten up a bit, Shay."

I didn't say anything, only looking up from my hands to see her trying to get her thoughts together before she spoke again.

"Shay, Kellan is your soulmate and there is no way that you will ever be able to run from that. You two are connected in a way that most humans could only ever dream of, and the fact that you're both Alphas doesn't help seeing as it only makes the bond stronger, and it makes you even more hardheaded," she said, talking more to herself towards the end, "I know this is going to sound so cliché, but I hardly even want to think about my life before I met Alec – and it was amazing – but he has somehow made it even more incredible than my two very best friends did, which, for the record, I never thought would be possible."

She stood and took one stride towards me, enveloping me into a hug, "Just think about what I said, Shay, I know you'll find the right answer soon." She gave my shoulders one last squeeze before walking out, quietly closing the door behind her.

For the first time in almost a month, it was finally quiet. I was able to sit in my thoughts and listen to the low crackling of the fire as the flames lit up the room and danced before my eyes.

That, however, was very short lived because, just as I was getting comfortable in the warmth of the fire, Henry very loudly came into my office, trying to balance two mugs of tea in one hand while holding a sandwich and attempting to close the door in the other.

I turned my head, eyebrow raised, and watched him in amusement as he whispered, "Okay, this clearly isn't going to work," to himself and proceeded to put his snack on an opening on my bookshelf, close the door with his newly freed hand, and pick up his sandwich again before finally walking over towards me.

"You looked kind of stressed out so I brought you some green tea, Boss. I used to always see your dad give it to your mom when she was stressed – I don't know if it actually works, though – but I do know that you just like green tea anyways, so," he rambled on, letting his sentence die out at the end once he realized he didn't have a clue as to where it was going.

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