Chapter 06

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I was in such a daze waking up this morning that I don't even remember getting up and riding to school – apparently Henry insisted on driving again.

But, here I am, finally at a public school again, a different one than before, of course.

Our old school was far more populated but, much to our then-dismay, was purely human. Now, this school is only mostly human with a few sprinkles of werewolves here and there but this entire student body here at Donal High is only about half of the size of our former hell – I mean school.

The three of us are currently in the office, being bombarded by smells from the suffocating number of humans around us, and are waiting for our school maps – except Henry, who was also waiting for his schedule because he lost his. We all have the exact same schedule – which takes a lot of strategic planning to achieve, by the way – but Henry insists on having his own because it has something to do with making 'picking up chicks' easier. I have failed to connect the dots on that one, though.

With our maps in hand, Henry's schedule fresh out of the printer, and five minutes left until the bell rings, we all make our way to our first class of the day: Physics.

The journey isn't far and Lilly visibly perks up as we grow nearer to our destination.

I can only wonder who she senses over here.

I turn my head to the left so that I can nudge Henry and whisper my thoughts to him but instead I am pleasantly surprised to see that we have already reached our class, with our teacher, Mr. Melendez, waiting for us outside of our classroom door. Well, then, I guess Henry will figure it out for himself sooner or later.

"Ah, our new students!" Mr. Melendez excitedly proclaims, clasping his hands together in a soft bang.

Here we go again. Why is it so hard for teachers to just let their new students fly under the radar? If we wanted to make friends and become popular, then we would, but that's not on our to-do list.

Totally not catching the drift that both Lilly and I were uninterested in what was going on, Henry immediately begins to glow at the sudden attention, "Yes, Sir, that's us!"

They're both sporting the biggest and most obnoxious grins I've ever seen.

'This is going to be a long day,' Lilly mind-links me.

Looks like somebody has finally stepped out of their daydream and remembered how to form coherent sentences!

'I suddenly regret giving him the same schedule as us.' I agree.

Smiling and nodding our heads at our new teacher as if we had been following along in the conversation, the three of us step into the classroom, eyes immediately searching for a group of desks next to each other.

However, this room was full of black lab tables and, luckily for us, in the back of the classroom there was an almost empty table only occupied buy a vaguely familiar person who had their backs to us. Though, going of the intensely increasing speed of Lilly's pace, it wasn't hard to guess who the tall brunette was.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Golden Trio," Alec smiles, his arm around Lilly.

His smile travels to his eyes and grows ten times wider when Lilly giggles and he looks down at her.

It's so adorable.

I hate it.

Don't get me wrong, I can't even express it in words how happy I am for Lilly – she's always wanted this and there is absolutely nothing better than seeing your best friend at their happiest. And I don't hate love, either. I just hate that it makes the constant internal battle over this subject even more intense.

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