Chapter 15

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After a very long time of Lilly, Alec, and Henry gushing over how absolutely amazing meeting your mate is, while Kellan and I sat there in an uncomfortable silence between the two of us, we were finally able to disband our meeting and continue on with our day. 

Until, thanks to Henry, I realized that, yes, we had come up with an elaborate plan that was sure to work, but we had yet to decide when to actually put it into action. 

"We need to get in there as soon as possible, Boss, and tonight is our best bet; we've all had the day off today so that means we should have enough energy in us to operate after dark," Henry had said, stopping on the stairs while the two of us were carrying the kid's folded laundry up to their rooms. 

"Dammit, Henry," I laughed, "when did you start getting smarter than me? We'll have to check with everybody else, though I don't think they'll disagree, how does, say, two-thirty work?" 

I heard a chorus of various forms of 'yes' and sent them off to their rooms, telling them to rest up before tonight. Henry skipped up the stairs, still high on his meeting with his mate, whose name is Maggie, Lilly and Alec were somehow even closer to each other than they usually are as they made their way up to Lilly's room, causing Kellan to remind Alec that they're supposed to be getting some rest, not participating in any 'extracurricular activities that may tire them out' as he put it; and Ryder was heading up to one of our guestrooms that I directed him to, seeing as how it was pointless to send him home now. 

"Henry," I called out to him as he reached the top stair, "would you mind calling the nanny and ask her if she's able to spend the night tonight? Just let her know that we have something we need to take care of and would really appreciate it if she wouldn't mind helping us out with them." 

"You got it, 'Laska," he gave me a sideways grin at the use of my nickname, "anything else I can do?" 

"No, I think that'll do it. I'm going to call Dr. Barnes and ask him for the scent-masking spray, hopefully he can just drop it off on his way home from the clinic." 

Henry shot me a thumbs-up and turned on his heel, still walking with a slight pep in his step. I quickly dialed Dr. Barnes' number and put the phone to my ear, mouthing to Kellan that it'll only take a minute, trying to hide how grateful I was to this phone-call for getting me out of the uncomfortable silence for just a moment. 

However, sadly, it was only for just a moment. Dr. Barnes was eager to help and told me that he'd make sure we had it before the kids got home, seeing as how we don't want them to ask too many questions. 

I knew that if Kellan was listening to our phone conversation that I was having on the front porch, he'd know that it was through and that I was only stalling to make it back to him. Technically speaking, things shouldn't be so awkward between us right now. 

I mean, we were both Alpha's who had finally given into the pull that our Mate Bond had bestowed on us – which is ten time stronger than that of a normal wolf. So, in reality, we should be fighting to keep our hands off of each other. But I think that's just one-sided. Kellan has already expressed how ready he is to move on with his life and start the next chapter, whereas I have made it abundantly clear that I was nowhere near ready. We were at a crossroads but I think I just need to make it more obvious that I am very willing to make things between us work – not like we really have a choice, anyways – just at a much slower pace than he had once anticipated. 

Consumed by my thoughts, I hadn't realized that I already made my way back to him until I nearly knocked on of our barstools over. 

Clearing my throat, I gave him a shy smile, "I – uh – I have a king bed – a California King, actually, so there's – um – a lot of space in it for multiple people, and Ryder is already going to the guestroom and our other one is currently under construction because we wanted to add a bathroom to it so the whole room is kind of out of service right now so, "I cleared my throat again, "um, if you, you know, wanted to, you could also nap in my bed – uh – with me." 

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