Chapter 07

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Kellan and I still haven't spoken the entire fifteen minutes we've been sitting next to each other. Lilly and Henry have tried on multiple occasions to start a conversation and ease the tension but have had no such luck.

One could never bring me to admit that Kellan giving me his unopened drink in returned for my contaminated one was a very sweet gesture. Sadly, I am, however, very stubborn and simply looked at the drink as if its refreshing liquid wasn't begging me to open it and drink it right then and there. Luckily, Lilly knows me more than she knows herself and traded her newly opened drink for the one from Kellan. It was a complicated system, yes, but nobody said being petty was an easy task.

The bell signaling the end of the lunch period and I stood up so fast I almost gave myself whiplash. Nevertheless, in all my attempts to pretend that his outstanding beauty wasn't seated right next to me, Kellan grabbed my arm just as fast as I had left my seat and I learned that having to pretend like his touch doesn't burn me in the best possible way would be the most difficult task that I think I'll have to master.

"Will you please let me walk you to class?" His voice was deep, mumbled, and music to my ears – yet his eyes remained focused on the table in front of him.

Yanking my arm out of his grip, I gained enough courage to respond, "I think I can manage myself, thanks."

My sharp tone almost made me recoil from myself, and anybody in a ten-foot radius could probably tell how much it angered him, too, based off of the low growl that came as his response.

I felt bad for being so harsh to him, I really did. Not only did it pain one to act such a way towards their mate, but it is just simply not in my nature to be mean to someone. And, after all, I do owe him an explanation considering the first - and only – time he saw me was when I ran like a mad man away from him.

And, just as I was chastising myself, he graciously decided to bring up the matter-at-hand himself.

How sweet of him.

"C'mon, you haven't even told me what your name is, yet – the only reason I know it is because Alec told me," he pointed out. He did have a point. F

When I didn't say anything in response he took it as his cue to push further, "Seriously, Shay, what did I do that is so horrible to make you not want to speak to me?"

My heart hurt at his question and that pissed me off. I wanted to shout at him and tell him to go back to where he came from but I couldn't. But I also couldn't let him continue distracting me like this when I have so many things to do and responsibility to carry.

"Listen, Kellan," I spit out his name with as much venom as I could muster, "I have done just fine on my own for the past twenty years of my life and nothing has changed just because I met you. I don't need somebody else to care for – I've got plenty in my pack that keep me busy enough. And I sure as hell don't need somebody to hold my hand and walk me to class, like I said, I think I can manage myself, thanks."

I stormed off and took a page from Henry's book, taking this moment to have a dramatic exit. To the untrained eye on All-Things-Shay, I was making sure I got the last word but I knew, deep down, that it's because I knew my words had hurt him and I didn't want to risk seeing it written across his face. Like I said, I don't particularly want a mate – I can handle myself, plus, I've seen love do some crazy things to people and I'm not willing to risk the little bit of sanity that I have left – but nobody can deny the immediate bond of feelings between them and their mate – even if you did run away from them the second you made eye contact.

I'm going to talk to Alec really quickly, Henry should catch up with you soon. I'll meet you two in class! Lilly reached me through the mind-link.

And, sure enough, Henry's tall figure caught up with mine, his bouncy strides shortening so he didn't accidentally get too far ahead of me while we walked next to each other.

"Dude," He said.

Here we go.

I didn't say anything in response to his one-word-greeting and let him continue.

"When you said his name, it was like you had just chewed it up and were spitting it out. I even felt bad for the poor guy."

I still didn't say anything. In all honesty, I didn't know what to say.

Luckily, Henry apparently wasn't done anyways, "Are you ever going to give him a chance, Boss? I mean, you can't stay away from him forever – do you have a plan at all?"

I sigh, bringing my hands up to rub my face, "I don't know. Like you said, I can't avoid him forever, partially because he's my mate and I have to end up with him one day but also because that guy seems to be everywhere. I don't want to be so cold towards him but I just want to push him away for as long as possible. I just don't think I'm ready to have a mate, yet. There's so many other things I have to worry about before I even think of having a family. I don't even want kids!"

"Whoa, slow down there, Shay, nobody said anything about having to start a family. Plus, you'd make a great mom!"

"That's not the point, Henry. Everybody knows that when we find our mates, they start popping out cubs almost immediately."

Henry let out a loud chuckle and just shook his head, confirming my statement.

I kept my head pointed down and my eyes glued to the floor, only looking at Henry when he spoke again, "Well, since you're not ready for Kellan, yet, does that mean that you won't get jealous of the other girls?"

"What other gir-" I'm cut off by Henry pointing to a group of girls crowded around a desk in the back of our History class.

The girls all giggled and twirled their hair and with the strong smell of vanilla and cedar lingering in my nose, it didn't take a genius to figure out who was seated at the desk surrounded by a wall of females.

Just then the bell rang and the sea of girls took their seats, giving Kellan and I enough time to make eye contact and shoot daggers at each other and Henry enough time to push me to the two empty desks with our names assigned to them at the back of the room. Of course, I had to be right behind Henry and right next to Kellan while Lilly had to abandon me and sit on the front row.

Stupid assigned seats.

Stupid girls that I really want to call mean names but I can't bring myself to actually do.

Stupid Kellan.


I am so sorry I forgot to update last Thursday and I am even more sorry that this chapter is so short (it is exactly 1,234 words, though). Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


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