Chapter 05

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Never have I ever been more grateful for a Sunday than I am right now.

After last night I need an extra "day off" to unscramble my brain – and completely occupying myself with skipping my Alpha duties for the day, unless there's an emergency, of course, and spending time with Lilly, Henry, and the kids before we all start school tomorrow is the perfect way to make that happen.

All four of the rascals – Chase, Sarah, Michael, and Morgan – start Pack School tomorrow and they are completely over the moon about it.

Our nanny is out shopping because her sister and her mate are having their first baby very soon and she was going to help them decorate his new room. So, we decided to let the kids sleep in as late as they wanted to considering they were up pretty late last night thanks to the new episode of Paw Patrol that came on last night.

In the meantime, the three of us that are supposed to be responsible adults are trying to make pancakes for everyone but with no avail.

We burned the first batch and the second one tasted horrible so we're currently on try number three but we think we finally have it mastered this time. I am currently in charge of mixing the batter with the measured ingredients in front of me and all is going well until I add the vanilla extract.



No. I'm not thinking about him. I have no desire to think about him. It's not even really me who wants him – in my life or in my mind.

Literally shaking my head to get him out of there – which, respectively, earned me a double dosage of odd looks from my culinary partners. I need one of them to start talking so that I can focus on something else.

As if on cue, Lilly spoke up, "These pancakes make me think of Alec." The dreamy look in her eyes counteracted the look of disgust and confusion in Henry's and mine.

"Does he like pancakes or something?" I asked.

"I don't really know, but I do know that these pancakes are round, and so are his eyes. Which, obviously, makes me think of him."

"Okay, but do you also know that everybody has round eyes, Lil?"

"Well, yeah, but his are just perfect." The phantasmoragical look was still twinkling in her eyes.

Not trying to burst her bubble but also trying to bring her back to reality before she burns our third batch of pancakes I said, "These pancakes are anything but perfect. If you think he's so great then it's kind of insulting towards him to compare his very round eyes to these guys," I indicated to the pancakes with my wooden spoon.

"Okay, back to the real question at hand," Henry finally pipes in, "how do you not know if he likes pancakes or not? You guys were with each other for hours, you ought to know by now if he's a pancake kind of guy or a waffle kind of guy."

Her cheeks burned at the statement and I knew exactly where this was going, "Well," She cleared her throat, "we weren't exactly talking the entire time we were together if yo- "

She let out a very relieved breath when Chase, Morgan, Sarah, and Michael all bounded down the stairs at the same time.

"We knew you guys were home today because we could smell the burnt food!" Chase very excitedly exclaimed.

"Hey, Kiddos!" Henry announced with enough enthusiasm to fuel the entire state, "Last one to the table is a rotten egg!"

Three of the kids, Lilly, and Henry all scrambled away in attempt to win. While putting the food onto seven separate plates, I turned to see Morgan looking up at me.

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