Chapter 19

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"Wait, so this isn't a joke?" Ryder asked incredulously.

It was now the next morning and all of us were awake were about to get ready for the task ahead of us. Ryder, however, was still skeptical that we were actually letting him in on our plans.

"No, Ryder, this isn't a joke," Alec answered, tired of him asking the same question every five minutes, "so go get ready before I knock you out, dude."

Taking Alec's joke seriously, Ryder mock-saluted him and dashed up the stairs, seemingly eager to be a part of the action today.

The rest of us followed suit, dressing in our most protective clothing that still allowed plenty of room for mobility. When we finished, all six of us were decked out in mostly black clothing and a combination of tennis shoes and tightly laced combat boots.

While Henry, Ryder, and Alec loaded up our car with all the supplies we could imagine that would come in useful, Lilly, Kellan, and I spoke to our partners that were currently standing outside in a large, coagulated group.

"Alright, listen up, ladies and gentlemen," Lilly called out, both hands cupped around her mouth to further project her voice, something that honestly wasn't all that necessary, "please split up into the two groups you were divided into last night."

After Lilly checked to make sure that everybody was in the same place that they were in yesterday, Kellan took that moment to make a quick - and also unnecessary - comment. Nevertheless, it was still appreciated.

"West Pack," he called, causing his pack members to stand a little straighter, "I know that this isn't our usual order - following another Alpha's rules or really messing with another packs business in general. And I'm sorry that I wasn't there last night to go over this with you all back in our own territories but, as I'm sure you all know, Alpha Shay is my mate, which, in turn, makes her your Luna. You will follow every last one of her orders as if it was me giving it to you, is that understood?"

After a loud rumble of, 'Yes, Alpha.' Kellan added one last command, "And you will protect her just as fiercely as you protect each other. Is that clear?"

He got the same response as before. Honestly, I didn't think that his commands were really needed; every single one of his pack members had been kind to me and everybody from my pack and they truly seemed like the embodiment of the 'no man left behind' mantra.

"Thank you, Kellan," I smiled sweetly at him before turning my attention to Lilly and doing the same, "Lilly."

"But most of all, once again, I want to thank all of you. And, as for what Alpha Kellan said," Kellan's smirk at my use of his formal title didn't go unnoticed but I chose to ignore it for the time being, "the same goes for those a part of the Roman Pack. Though, I trust that you all already know that so I won't harbor on it."

Like the West Pack, all of my members gave me an 'of course, Shay' in acknowledgment.

"The first thing I want to touch on is that those who are on what we are informally calling it as 'guard-duty' know their task. We want to get in and get out as quickly as possible so this first step is the most vital. The six of us and our ten guards will be further back and will only advance when we have gotten confirmation from both of the groups leaders - who, by the way, we have decided would be Morgan-Louise and Walter Holmes."

Lilly raised her hand and waved for the two new leaders to make their way up towards her so that she could give them their specific details and earpieces.

As she got them taken care of, I continued with my speech.

"You will all be given a state-of-the-art tranquilizer gun, plenty of refills, two regular handguns with extra clips, your own set of knives, scent-neutralizing spray, and plenty of cuffs."

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