Chapter 13

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We turned to each other, all of our emotions clearly showing themselves in our crinkled eyes and wide grins.

"I can't believe you found this! I could kiss you right now, West!"

And so, I did.

I wish I could say that it wasn't the most blissful feeling I've ever been given the chance to experience. But it was.

It was slow and hesitant, neither of us sure how long to keep it going nor the level of intensity it should be.

Was this considered moving too fast? I'm pretty sure it is.

Why had I just suddenly thrown all of my morals to the wind? I fought so hard to fight these urges and scare my own feelings away and I decide to kiss him the first night that I have had a real conversation with him.

Was it because we touched the other day? It was so simple – I only put my hand on his chest.

".... the fact that you two are both Alpha's doesn't help seeing as it only makes the bond stronger." Lilly's words echo in my head. This must be what she was talking about.

Our lips were still tenderly moving against each other's. It wasn't forceful or violent, just curious. We were both in desperate need to feel each other, explore one another.

I'm not even sure how much time had passed, neither of us were willing to cease our actions, but we had a lot of new information that needed to be read. I had since dropped the map somewhere behind him and my hands were currently resting in his hair. Deciding that it would catch his attention, I moved my hands down to the middle of his forearms, his hands were wrapped tightly around my waist in order to pull me as close to him as possible, and travelled up his arms and to his shoulders, using them to give me enough force to lightly push us away from each other.

I must have more willpower right now than I thought.

There was a ghost of a whimper on his lips when I dodged his attempt to lean back in and pick up where we just left off.

"As much as I really liked that – which I hate to admit," I smiled, "we have a lot to learn from that book."

"But that can't wait?"

I laughed, "I think you already know the answer to that one, West."

We packed up our things and made our way to my car. I sent a mind-link to Henry and Lilly, telling them to be ready for a lot of new information, Kellan sent one to Alec and Ryder, telling Ryder where he was going and to stay home, and one for Alec to keep an eye on things while he was gone – but it turns out that him and Lilly were already hanging out at our house.

The short drive to my house was silent but we could both feel the energy pulsing throughout the entire car, bouncing off of every wall, seat, and the two of us. It made me feel like I could run for miles and never get tired.

And I didn't like it.

If one kiss made me feel like this, I can only imagine the deep hole I'm digging myself into. I already didn't want to think of him having to go home at the end of the night because it would make me feel incomplete. And I didn't like that even more.

Since when do I need a man – soulmate or not – to make me feel complete? Especially when he was practically a stranger up until a few hours ago.

Lilly, Henry, and Alec were waiting for us at the dining room table when we arrived. We opted for having our meeting in the house because, one, we didn't want to call our nanny back – she has a life, too – and, two, because of all the recent attacks. We knew that if something were to happen and the rogues were to try and go for one of our kids, the three of us, now five, would be able to handle the situation the best.

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