Chapter 12

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The entire drive to Kellan's house – which seemed significantly shorter than usual – primarily consisted of me reminding myself that this wasn't a big deal and that I don't need to rush into things.

It's nothing, Shay, just two people being forced to get to know each other because of fate. Almost everybody you know has had to go through the same thing.

I mean, you're hardly even going over there to get to know him, really, you just need help on the case and he just so happens to be a good person to turn to for assistance.

As soon as I pulled into their extremely long driveway, I suddenly felt the need to abort my mission immediately and turn around to go back to my house.

This is so unlike me! When have I ever ran from something – or someone?!

Because he was awaiting my arrival, Kellan was standing at the large French doors on the front of his home, opening the door on the right and waving his arm in a cordially fashion, gesturing me to step inside.

"We just finished eating dinner and I wasn't sure if you had eaten yet so I made sure to make you a plate," He announced.

"Oh, that's great, thank you. I got so wrapped up in my office I never even noticed that it was past supper-time," I truthfully told – I did get wrapped up in my office, just not necessarily with work-related things. He didn't need to know that, though.

"Cool, follow me to the kitchen, I'll grab your plate if you wouldn't mind grabbing your drink and then you could eat in my office, if you wanted to. I'm assuming that this is a strictly pack business visit, anyways," He said in an even tone, though the slight falter in his voice hinted at disappointment, and it didn't go unnoticed by me.

You're going to have to bite the bullet sooner or later, Henry's words echoed in my head.

"Um, actually, I could sort of use a break from looking at a bunch of papers for a few minutes. Would it be okay if we just sat in here to eat?"

This seemed to really take him by surprise, so much so that he didn't actually speak, but rather used my plate of food that he had fixed for me to point to the empty chairs at their kitchen island.

I always knew that silence between two people who weren't on the best of terms was bound to be uncomfortable. What I didn't know, however, was that it is even more uncomfortable when one of those people – specifically, the one who is the reason that they weren't on the best of terms – was the guest at the other said persons house, and was currently the only one making any noise, which was solely because they were eating.

Then, Kellan, gracious as ever, sparked up a conversation, "So, those kids that live with you guys...." He started, but didn't seem to know how he was going to finish it quite yet.

"They're Chase, Sarah, Michael, and Morgan," I began to answer, "a lot of children and infants were left as orphans after The Battle with the rogues. Henry, Lilly, and I were more than willing to care for them all, if we had to, but, luckily for all of us, a lot of families within our pack decided to adopt all of the other kids. It all worked out really well and, even though I don't get to see them as much as I used to, I wouldn't want to imagine my life without those rascals."

"Wow, that is actually.... really sweet, Alaska."

"I am a nice person, you know. Just very set in my ways when I have a reason to be."

He nodded but we soon fell right back into another vexatious silence. Except, this time, I wasn't going to make him start the conversation. It was time I started to except fate, I guess.

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