Chapter 10

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When I woke up this morning, I made sure to get ready the fastest so that I would be the first one downstairs for breakfast since I missed dinner last night and I wanted to hear all about their first day of school.

We finished eating first and left before the kids did, Lilly looking lovesick in the back seat and Henry looking carsick in the front.

"You two doing alright, there?" I ask them both.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" They both replied at the same time, except the one next to me sounded like he was going to puke and the one behind me sounded like she was on Cloud Nine.

"Lilly, you look like you're living on a different planet but I know what's causing that," She wasn't listening to me now anyways, "and, Henry, you look like you're about to barf all over my car."

"I think I ate way too much this morning; I know we've been talking about my self-control but I really can't help it when food is involved. I'm really trying, though, I promise," His words came out muffled because his hand was partially covering his mouth.

I reached over and patted his shoulder, "I know you are, buddy, I know you are. But, listen, I can handle a lot of things and puke is not one of them so if you think you're about to spill your guts everywhere, please give me a forewarning so I can pull over, yeah?"

Not daring to open his mouth to speak, he just nodded at me and gave me a thumbs-up, resting his head against the cool window.


Lilly, Henry, and I were all sitting in the same seats we were yesterday at the lunch table. They were both back to normal but every few seconds I would catch Lilly daydreaming and Henry quietly whispering to himself to slow down.

"So, lover-girl," I turn to Lilly with a grin on my face, "What'd he do that's got your head so high up in the clouds today?"

She blushed and her smile got wider before she lightly squealed and wiggled in her seat a little bit, "Okay, well, disclaimer: I think everything he does is perfect but last night he told me that he loved me!"

It was so funny for me to see Lilly so out of character like this. See, love really does do some crazy things to people. Generally speaking, she would be right on top of the case about everything that's been happening back at the Pack House and would probably have devised a twenty-person-long list of possible suspects. Though, because her precious mate apparently has her living on some place other than Earth, I don't think she could even tell me her last name – let alone position and duties.

Henry chewed even faster than usual so that he could give us his two cents on the matter, "Wait a minute! You've known each other for how long – five days at most? And you're already telling each other that you love one another?"

Lilly went to defend herself but Kellan decided to come to the rescue instead, "Well, yeah, if you already know that you're soulmates and are meant to be together forever, what's the point in beating around the bush? Even if you don't think you like them or you don't think you're 'ready' because you've got a lot on your plate, there's still no point in trying to deny them. It's going to happen one way or another."

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