Chapter 17

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Turning towards the wide-eyed couple, I looked sternly at my best friend. I had to take a second, though, to truly compose myself because the similar look of horror that they both shared was uncanny – only Maggie's was because she just saw a person transform into a wolf and Henry's was because he knew he was in deep shit.

"Henry," I called, using my best efforts to keep my tone light and less lethal-sounding than what I really wanted to go for. However, I must not have sounded as sweet as I would have liked to because Henry flinched at the sound of my voice and, very clearly from my peripheral view, I saw Kellan's eyes go wide, "would you mind taking a walk with me?"

"Uh, you know what, Boss? I think I'm kind of tired right now. Plus, I've got company and, you know, I don't want to be rude and leave her. So, is there any way that we could have a rain check? Maybe sometime tomorrow, or even next week. Ten years from now would also work out really nic-"

"Henry!" I sharply cut him off, "Walk. Now!"

He gave me one short nod and jogged to catch up to me.

Before we took off, I turned to Kellan, "Would you mind showing her the way to the house, Kellan? Lilly should be in soon."

Not waiting for a response, I turn on my heel and take long strides until I hear the sound of my front door opening and then closing. And, funnily enough, that's also when I heard Henry's heart accelerate to a concerning pace.

I turn very sharply towards my partner-in-crime and give him a hard – but loving, nonetheless – shove. Taking a page from his book, I go for the dramatic effect by throwing my arms out in exasperation before finally asking, "What the hell were you thinking, Henry Garth? Or did you just decide to leave your brain at home today and then proceed to throw all rationality and caution out of the window?"

"Well, she was going to have to find out about it one way or another! Isn't it better to just rip the band-aid off quickly?"

"Yes, Henry, you are right; she was going to have to find out someday, but I don't think that any of us anticipated that someday to be today."

"Then when should it have been, Shay? What would you have done if you were in my position?"

"You can't seriously tell me – and then expect me to actually believe you – that you wanted her to find out like this. I know you and you are too smart to have thought that this would have been a good idea."

"Of course, this isn't really how I wanted it to go down but what's done is done, right? I mean, what's the worst that can come of this?"

"Henry, you just met this poor girl yesterday. And you brought her over here when you knew good and well that we would be training today. She has probably gone her entire life 'knowing' that werewolves aren't real but still believing that they'd be the terrible monsters that they portray us as on television screens. And, to top it off, the first thing she sees in regard to our kind are to people – who just look like your Average Joe – transform into giant wolves in mid-air before attacking another creature that just did the same exact thing."

Henry didn't seem like he knew what I was getting at, so I took that as my cue to continue.

"Henry, sweetie, I know that she's your mate and I know that you are head-over-heels for her right now but try looking at this from my side. I don't want to upset you but just hear me out. This may freak her out too much. And what are we going to do if we can't trust her to keep this to herself? If she breaths word of this to anybody then we're left with a very messy situation on our hands."

"You don't even know her, Shay! What makes you think that she's going to run around telling everybody our biggest secret? I can't believe that you, of all people – the most open-minded and accepting person I know – won't even give my own mate a chance."

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