Chapter 20

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"Henry, Lilly," I yelled from the kitchen, "hurry up, we've got to go!"

It is now the Monday after our attack on Tony and the Rogues which has given us four days to relax and recover. And I can tell that things are finally getting back to normal because both Lilly and Henry are running late for school.

School, I muse.

It doesn't even feel like I really need school anymore, honestly. Like, logically, I know that I need to finish out this school year - which I fully intend on doing - but with these past couple of weeks being so hectic, school has been the last thing on my mind.

And, even though we've missed quite a few days, Dr. Barnes wrote us all a doctors excuses saying that we contracted the flu - the consequence of us becoming friends and spending our spare time together.

"If you two don't get your asses down here within the next two minutes I'm leaving you both here," I yell up the stairs.

On cue, the pair walk out of their respective bedrooms and race down the stairs, Henry was still pulling his shirt over his head while Lilly was scrambling to throw her books into her book bag.

"Seriously, guys," I complain, "I have an easier time getting the kids up and ready to go out the door every morning than I have with you two - who are, need I remind you, perfectly capable adults."

"Sorry, Boss, I just got so used to resting up these past few days that it took all I had in me to actually get up."

"For real," Lilly agreed, "out of all of our activities this past week, getting out of bed this morning was the hardest thing I've had to do."

I laughed at them but still agreed as I handed Lilly her cream-cheese-covered bagel off of the counter and snatched Henry's toaster waffles out for him before ushering them out the door and into the car.

"Seatbelt, Henry," I reminded him.

"I'm pretty sure I'm the legal guardian of six children," I muttered to myself - which is useless considering who my company is.

And, as a response, they both grumbled, "Heard that," at the same time before continuing to stuff their breakfast in their mouths.

Not long after, we arrived at the school. As soon as I parked and opened my door, Ryder was there to greet me.

"Shay!" He bounced with excitement, "You're finally here! I missed you! What took you so long?"

He was speaking at an alarmingly - yet impressive - fast pace that I felt the need to place my hand on his shoulder to get him to stop bouncing and speaking long enough to take a breath.

"What are you talking about, dude? We just saw each other last night; we literally had dinner together."

"I know that but it feels like forever ago!"

Just as I was about to ask him if he went a little crazy on the coffee this morning, Kellan walked up behind him.

"Ryder, how about instead of chatting up my mate, why don't you go search for your own."

"I would have smelled her already," he quickly answered before focusing his attention back on me, "So, anyways, Shay - before we were rudely interrupted - I came up with this really good idea for a tv show last night after we left your hou-"

His sentence was cut short by Kellan's hand that was now placed roughly against his mouth.

"I wasn't asking, Ryder. You can annoy Alaska later after school."

"Alright," he let out a sad sigh, "I hope you're ready for my killer idea though, Shay. See you guys later!"

I sent him a thumbs-up and a wave. As he was jogging off I noticed that Alec and Lilly were a few feet away, sending each other flirty glances as per usual, and Henry had just met Maggie on the other side of the parking lot.

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