Chapter 21

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*Eight months later*

"Ryder is going to tally these votes up and we will reconvene within the next half-hour; please enjoy the complimentary snacks in the lobby. See you all soon," I announced to the room full of a combination of our pack members.

Usually, when two mates find each other, they have an easy decision to make as to who will join who's pack. And, if one of them has a significant ranking within their pack, they usually side with them. However, two alphas are very rarely mated together.

So, in our case, we decided to host a meeting between our two packs to see how they feel about merging our packs together. Some may say that we're moving rather slow, considering it's been almost a year since we first met and about ten months since we really became official. Especially since most mated alphas are already talking about their second kid by now. But we all know how I am about this stuff and Kellan has been nothing short of patient with me about it all.

To make sure that we weren't making too big of a decision by ourselves, though, we wanted to ask our fellow members and, so far, it doesn't look like anybody is against the idea of joining forces.

"Y'know," Kellan said, rubbing circles on my back while we watched Ryder count the votes, "he's still totally in love with you. Too bad I beat him to the punch."

I didn't get the chance to send back a sassy remark about how Ryder is the better West brother before Henry ran to me with a frantic look on his face and an arm full of food.

"Shay," he practically shouted, "those mad-men out there are eating all of the food!"

"Henry, sweetie, they're supposed to be eating it. That's what I set it out there for."

"I know you told them to eat it but isn't it always the polite thing to do to turn down people's food offer?"

"What in the world are you talking about, Henry?" Lilly questioned, "I have never heard you turn down food - even when it's something that you know you don't like. Not once."

While they carried out their own argument I turned back to Kellan, knowing that they couldn't hear me.

"So, Henry wants to propose to Maggie - already, I know - but he doesn't want to do it if Alec was planning on proposing to Lilly first; do you have any intel on that?"

He wore the biggest grin I think I've ever seen.

"Well, actually, he was planning on it because," he paused, waiting for me to egg him on.

"C'mon, out with it, man!"

"Because their having cubs! Well, that's not the only reason why, obviously, but you know what I mean."

"I'm going to be an aunt," I deadpanned.

"Hey, keep your voice down."

"How in the world did you know before me? I'm going to kill her. Well, I'm going to wait for her to have her baby then I'm going to kill her."

"I only know because he told him yesterday morning and he was talking to me about building them a house on our new land when we move."

"If we move," I corrected him.

"No, when we move," he said, "Shay, look at the votes Henry has sorted over there. Not a single one of them are in the 'no' pile."

Just then, Ryder looked up at us and sent us a thumbs-up. Henry turned to look at me with a huge grin on his face.

"I'll go bring them back in here, Boss."

I smiled and turned towards Kellan, "So, we're really doing this, huh?"

He reached out and gently grasped my face before bringing our lips together for a short and tender kiss.

"Yeah," he smiled, even wider than he had moments before, "we're really doing this." 


Wow! It's been forever - I know!

And it's short - I know!

I'm sorry but I still hope you enjoyed!

With love, 


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