Merydion, the Planetary capital lying at the heart of the sector. It's vast tier level cities houses trillions to the point it's population's workforce had to build vast orbital stations to house them, gazing down at the blooming planet on-board the Abaconda crew members were amazed at the sight as for most it'd be their first visit to the capital. Pablo however simply stared onward as his mind flooded with the notion not all was what it seemed, his train of thought was disrupted turning his attention to the intercom requesting his presence at the Engineering labs.
Like always Gabriella followed close behind him with Vera tagging along as they went, entering the vast laboratory with sounds of machinery filling the immediate vicinity, Vera's reaction at the sight was one of amazement and Gab's was like a kid in a candy store where as Pablo kept his stern facial appearance before the head engineer walked up to them.
"Ah hello Commander, my name is Doctor Belthar. Welcome to my humble adue." a tall Lu'iar with jet black fur spoke as he peered over the eyeglasses at the bridge of his nose scanning over his Commanders cybernetics, "I must say when I heard of someone surviving wounds that'd normally kill a man, I had a thought that machinery was involved." he added whilst Pablo gave a simply tilt of the head and raised eyebrow. "Oh, listen to me ramble. I have made some interesting discoveries and upgrades to our inventory. Please this way." the good Doctor said as he motioned them to walk in the direction he outstretched his arm.
As the four walked Belthar kept his eye on a data-slate keeping it quite close to him as if he were hiding something before finally reaching a room with several prototype devices supported with vast amounts of mathematics and blueprints on see through data-boards. Belthar set down his data-slate whilst walking over to his most latest inventions revealing a suit of power armour, a modified pulse rifle and pistol with the final item being similar to a rocket launcher in appearance, "Care to explain what these are for me Doc?" Pablo asked folding his arms as he peered over each item carefully.
"My pleasure to Commander." the Doc answered proudly heading over to items giving detailed explanations for them, "With the amount of research on the mineral Conductium I saw that it was possible to create more advanced types of our current inventory. The Power Armour for example is lighter, more agile but also adds additional protection via the minerals energizing nature. Example being you get shot by a heavy round you'd only feel the effect of a small one due to the shock-wave being infused with the Conductium field." he explained causing Gab and Vera to display looks of confusion whilst Pablo closed his eyes giving a loud 'hmm'.
"So in short, it provides a shock absorbing field to the armour and thus retaining the heavier older models reliability." Pablo theorized with the Doctor then shouting out 'ding, ding, ding' whilst mimicking a bell ring as he shouted. Pablo then turned his attention to the rifle picking it up checking over it, "Hmm, seems lighter then most I'm used to." he said with curiosity before removing the magazine peering at the ammunition inside that instead of standard issue rounds housed dark cobalt ones causing him to raise his eyebrow.
"Ah I see you have discovered our new Conductium rounds. Going off similar technology to Ion weaponry like your Handcannon, these little babies can drop a target at max range with two or three shots where as standard require five or six. In addition you can change the rounds magnetic charge to taser or kill thus lightening loads we carry should our mission require capture of a target." the Doctor explained pointing at a slider above the weapons safety and fire-mode switch.
Shortly after explaining the alarm began to sound causing Vera and Gab to bolt for the situation room whilst Pablo was stopped by Belthar, "Commander, this technology is still not refined so if you choose to test it in the field. Take heed on the risk." his words being stern and serious accompanied by a blunt look with Pablo responding with a solid nod before departing.

Chronicle of the Unknown Sector. (#Wattys2015)
Science FictionThe Unknown Sector. A part of space sat on the border of three mass empires, since the decade war it has been left in a state of disarray from the core interior of these empires. From within it's dark secrets rose a race of monstrous alien creatures...