The Abaconda's crew whom were now in a state of high alert and activity for an Ion-storm was materializing around the space station which housed most of Lady Salihah's people, endless screeching roars rang out the storm whilst Raveners flew outward from it toward the station creating mass panic as screams of civilians pierced through the intercom aboard the Abaconda.
Salihah froze from the shock of horror and terror which her people were in a state of suffering, even worse she felt herself being the blame as tears swelled around her eyes. "It's all my fault, I don't know what to do." she whimpered into her palms then looking over her shoulder as the touch of metal rested upon her skin, peering at the scarred face of Pablo displaying a look of empathy and relation to her current state before proceeding to the intercom.
"Serpent company, prepare for boarding parties." being his orders then turning back walking to Salihah, "Don't dwell on the past, for now focus on getting the rest of your people out of there and honour the fallen by ridding of those monsters." Pablo explained heading out toward the armoury with Gab close behind him. Inside the armoury countless troops were gearing up in their armoured suits smacking magazines into pulse rifles, each one saluting Pablo as he past by.
Putting on his own armour which had undergone a paint-job from standard military camouflage to blood red with black outlining, the most striking feature being a tattoo style portrait on his left shoulder-guard of a Blazing Serpent, beside him Gab also was wearing armour custom made for her clad in Deep-sea blue with bullet holsters on either shoulder and criss-crossing her torso.
"It's gonna be close proximity battles in there, not much room for your rifle love." Pablo stated toward Gab whilst picking up a shotgun loading a magazine in finishing off with a pumping clik-clak.
"Well how about I use that?" she answered him pointing at the shotgun in his hand supported by a minor grin, in turn Pablo smirked before chucking it over with her catching it shortly after. Turning around he then picked up a machine gun feeding a belt of rounds into it pulling back the charge handle turning back to look at Gab who let out a small giggle, "That describes you too well dear, over the top." she uttered causing Pablo to raise an eyebrow then shaking it off whilst the pair headed to their assigned gunship.
Gunships began dusting off from the ships hanger entering the cold depth of space at max speed with their sights set on the station ahead, the closer they got the more near-misses of Ion-lightning sparked past them with some of the gunships taking damage.
A sudden bolt from the Ion-storm struck the gunship carrying Pablo and Gab shaking from it's impact forcing her to enact emergency manoeuvres as she cursed under her breath. "Serpent to all call-signs, this is going to be a hot landing. Ready weapons but remember to exercise caution, we have civilians in the area. Repeat whites are in the AO." Pablo radioed over whilst Gab took their ship in for landing, one after another gunships touched down with their air-sealing panels sliding open unleashing armoured troops into the station meanwhile scurrying civilians ran past them to climb aboard.
"Pilots, get those civilians to the Abaconda. Teams three and four hold position here and organize defence operations, everyone else move out!" Pablo barked out making a run down one of the hallways carrying the Ravener's screeching s. Following him without his knowing were the same group who'd fought alongside him on Meryidon against the Raveners, Gab calling out for him to stop with her calls being unanswered in words and motions.
"I wish he'd slow down every once in a while." Gab sighed out whilst she ran lugging both her weapon and armour with her, 'Wait... you hear that?' Saran whispered out causing a brief moment of silence then breaking with cries of frightened children followed up by Ravener screeches.

Chronicle of the Unknown Sector. (#Wattys2015)
Science FictionThe Unknown Sector. A part of space sat on the border of three mass empires, since the decade war it has been left in a state of disarray from the core interior of these empires. From within it's dark secrets rose a race of monstrous alien creatures...