Having spent long tiresome days attempting to locate the Slaver controlled planet, the Abaconda now repaired from it's previous ship to ship combat traversed to an almost unheard planet called Gorzil. On board Pablo sat in his quarters overlooking planetary scans of it's surface with Vera entering his room shortly after, her attention gazing over at Gab sleeping on his bunk peacefully then directing her sight to him "Brother, are you okay?" she asked in an innocent manner approaching him whilst he turned his gaze to look at her.
"Kind of, just going over a battle-plan for this operation." he answered rubbing the bridge of his nose, walking round his desk to get a better view of the computer screen Vera and him spoke over each detail. The plan was to combine swift gunship sortie runs with mass shock-drops via drop-pod, "It'll be the first time the Ravoid's will be included among the ranks, that's what concerns me." Pablo added leaning back in his chair resting his fingers against one other.
"They'll be okay, people who fight shoulder to shoulder discard doubt in the heat of moment." Vera said causing him to raise an eyebrow at her, "What?" she asked with a small smile.
"Think you're gaining wisdom at a young age, sounds familiar don't it?" he answered smirking making her laugh minorly in turn, the result of this creating Gab to stir in her sleep before waking up with a wide yawn, "Morning love, sleep well." he remarked still smirking with her response being a grunting 'uhm'. With Gab taking a morning shower to fully wake up Vera took curiosity in the discarded shirt she had worn whilst sleeping discovering it was actually one of Pablo's.
"Brother, why is Gab wearing your clothing?" she asked causing him to spurt out his coffee onto the floor beside him coughing then after, this meanwhile being heard by Gab letting out a small laugh of amusement.
"Damn, stick a needle in my neck much?" Pablo stated aloud letting out a final few coughs "Wasn't exactly my call, she finds them comforting and urm... well I'm kinda shy in somethings... catch my drift?" he explained in a clumsy manner. His answer creating confusion to Vera, same time Gab exited the shower nude walking like it was nothing as he kept his gaze fixated forward with her putting on clothing then after.
"He means that he doesn't like the idea of enforcement towards a woman, despite being raised in a prison the meaning of words like honour, respect and loyalty were drilled into his head. So he often either accepts what I do or he feels the need for permission, almost like a child in a way which I find cute." Gab explained with a cheeky grin across her face walking over to him giving a quick swipe of her tail to his neck causing him to jump letting out a yelp resulting in the two girls laughing and him sighing heavily.
Mid-day fast approaching, finalization's for deployment were under-way as the newly formed Ravoid battalion consisting of the mutated Ravener half breeds caused eyes of more veteran members to glance unsure of how they'll perform, with the entering of Pablo, Gab and Vera all troops saluted including the Ravoid's who also stood at full attention. "At ease." Pablo stated with everyone taking up a more relaxing posture as he began to brief them all, "It's good to see you all here. Now today's operation is both a search and rescue combined with sweep and clear." pointing his cybernetic arm outward toward the planet through the hanger's air-sealing shield barrier.
"On that planet resides a well known Slaver contingent that must be dealt with, same time we will also aid the enslaved. In return they may or may not judging on their personal opinion bolster our numbers, bare in mind this isn't being forced on to them, just an offer they can turn down as people." the briefing continued as he walked back and forth holding his hands behind his back "Now phase one will be an assassination of their leader, once achieved Hydra gunships will strafe for a landing zone deploying both Ravoid and Python teams, however should the plan go astray the emergency code-name is 'Nova'. Now any questions?" Pablo ended off the briefing standing to a halt facing all his troops.

Chronicle of the Unknown Sector. (#Wattys2015)
Science FictionThe Unknown Sector. A part of space sat on the border of three mass empires, since the decade war it has been left in a state of disarray from the core interior of these empires. From within it's dark secrets rose a race of monstrous alien creatures...