Exiting the caverns Pablo, Gab and the Crimson scales ventured toward their gunship. "Damn, it's in need of minor repair" Nevison shouted out to them, Pablo now growing more in anger of desperation to make things right being an Earthling rushed as fast his body could allow followed shortly by the thudding of his armoured family.
Drawing his Ion-handcannon into his left hand whilst unfurling the chainsaw blade still bloody from earlier on his right charging onwards. Gab in the meantime transmitted a quick-reaction beacon to the Abaconda requesting aid as the group began to enter town.
"Clear the way! Move move move!" Pablo shouted out to the fleeing civilians finally spotting the threat as Trackers fired their primitive weaponry at mutated behemoths, his sights spotting the nomadic leader and Nimeri among them causing his bones to feel like steel, his blood smouldering like larva and his heart raging a roaring flame as he stood still in the chaos around him.
Each member of his group around him wondered what was going on within his head before jumping minorly as he shouted at the top of his lungs with bloodshot eyes raising his chainsaw charging headlong toward the mutants slicing and blasting one after another. Acting accordingly the Scales each dispersed to support defensive lines of Trackers who first questioned this turn of events but later willingly accepted their aid of defending their home. With Gab now posting herself on the highest point of town started picking off any threat nearing Pablo as he fought with brutal elegance as blood swayed from his cleaves, slashes and Ion-blasts.
What he didn't know was the Nomad leader drawing near him in the dust storm along with another Earthling being leader of the mutant tribe, ceasing his onslaught by the sound of grinding blades Pablo's gaze peered at both of them declaring start of a duel later realizing he was also part of it in terms to determine dominance as he slowly placing the Ion-gun into it's holster.
A blitz of clashing between stone, metal and chainsaw blade with the Nomad leader as the wiser fighter, the rival leader being more barbaric fighter and lastly Pablo who acted on reflex as the three way fight pressed onward throughout town with both the Nomadic leader and Pablo innervating when one of the civilians was at risk blocking strikes from the rival leader.
A surprise second wave of war-riders and tribesmen struck after the mutants had weakened defences caused breaks in several Tracker lines as they began to flee leaving the Crimson scale members there as the defending line, "We're surrounded!" Dawns yelled out.
"Hold them off, just hold them off!" Saran ordered out letting loose a few bursts.
"Where the hell are those reinforcements!" Drog cried out smacking a magazine into his rifle. Their attention being drawn to the sky hearing whistles of missiles striking ground splashing the landscape with fire. At the same time the three way duel continued as Pablo's view amidst all the fighting then zoned away as Gab became struck by a stray bullet.
Nimeri also noticing this rushed to her aid whilst hearing the roaring cry of enragement from Pablo, turning gaze upward as gunships swept downward like birds gunning down the charging enemy tribe making part of Nimeri wonder how strong was Pablo and how far would he go for others.
The duel took a sudden turn for the worse as Pablo had been booted back flinging him over an edge of a building forcing him to cling on for his life, a moment later he heard the gasping breath of the Nomadic leader whilst heaving himself upward onto solid ground.
Before him sat the slumped dying old man and the savage rival leader before speaking to him in a sinister and primal tone "Foolish old man, this world belongs to those who embrace what god has given us. These beasts are instruments of rule and must be used!" the leader shouted out raising his sword slowly readying for an executing strike as the Nomadic leader began to accept his end a sudden sparking clash with revving sound blocked the sword as both leaders looked at Pablo shrouded by the surroundings of war.

Chronicle of the Unknown Sector. (#Wattys2015)
Science FictionThe Unknown Sector. A part of space sat on the border of three mass empires, since the decade war it has been left in a state of disarray from the core interior of these empires. From within it's dark secrets rose a race of monstrous alien creatures...