Exiting Flash-jump over the planet Qekio, both the Abaconda and Fortuna nestled within it's orbit for no one knew why they had traverse there. "Commander, why did you think there was something down there that may help with the Raveners?" the Captain asked towards Pablo who simply stood folded armed looking at the displayed surface, loosing his arms moments later he turned to face the Captain.
"I'm going down there alone." he said bluntly turning to face Vera and Gab "You two are in charge until I get back." he added proceeding his way out.
"Hun, why do you feel like you have to do this one on your own. Everyone's here cause of you to begin with, don't go shutting them out like this." Gab shouted out at him causing him to halt peering over his shoulder.
"I'll be alright, trust me on this one." he responded with a smirk continuing his way out. Entering the hanger deck moment later boarding a star-fighter, as the area around it cleared Gab and Vera joined alongside the Crimson Scales seeing him off spotting him looking over at them giving a reassuring wink, split second later the green lights buzzed igniting engines sling-shooting the craft outward on a course toward the planet surface.
Entering below sub-orbit Pablo's entire view was met by tranquil surroundings as he glided overhead slowing his speed meanwhile scanning around for a landing spot, finally spotting a structure formation in the rock formations Pablo proceeded into a vertical landing with the craft coming to a resting stop shortly after.
Exiting his craft the lone Serpent member wandered his way through foliage, splashing and lugging through rivers, climbing and sliding down rocky terrain. Hours of endless walking seeing dark fast approaching he focused on creating a camp-fire utilizing his surroundings despite being lightly equipped with his only weapon being his Ion-handcannon, sitting at the roaring crackling flame whist taking swigs of water out his canteen Pablo peered at the stars sighing lightly.
A sharp twig snapping forced him to dart his gaze to the front right slowly resealing and putting away his canteen, another snap making him leap to his feet quick-draw his weapon whilst eyes scanned left to right slow enough to avoid missing any minor detail, finally fixating on a bright azure glow Pablo entered a sprint as his feet thudded against soil weaving around obstacles in his path.
Loosing footing causing him to stumble downhill despite his best efforts of resistance before finally slamming to a halt on flat ground below, groaning from the sudden event a darting peer upward making him grab onto his weapon in reflex as a Ion-glowing arrow pointed at his face, in exchange the guring noise of his handcannon with glowing muzzle pointed at a being of pure crystal light surrounded by vaporized mist.
"Do you seek the truth?" a ghostly female voice sounded out making Pablo turn to face it's origin taking form of another being of light and mist.
"What is truth?" he uttered questioningly raising to his feet still keeping his weapon raised, turning his head to face the armed being to see the lowering of it's arms whilst the Ion arrow faded away.
"Wise answer. Nothing defines truth aside from what a vast amount bare witness too, it can not be predicted." the female voice spoke out drawing closer forming dark sapphire eyes staring deep into Pablo's, "Earthbourne, raised by conflict, driven by vengeance. However acts unselfishly, kind hearted in nature and loyal to those held dear to you. Am I correct in this?" she later listed in questioning.
"Yes.... but how did you?" Pablo answered in confusion lowering his weapon as the guring of it's machinery drew to silence, looking at the pair then around at his surroundings more and more pieces of information appeared. A pair of tombs lied beside one another at the bottom of a stone stairway into an in-bedded temple, it's markings unlike anything he'd seen before as he walked slowly toward it running his hand over them clearing it of moss "Is this? Ancient Psyoni?" he asked peering back at the pair.

Chronicle of the Unknown Sector. (#Wattys2015)
Science-FictionThe Unknown Sector. A part of space sat on the border of three mass empires, since the decade war it has been left in a state of disarray from the core interior of these empires. From within it's dark secrets rose a race of monstrous alien creatures...