High above the planet moon of Ysel Serpent Companies fleet of ships exited flash-jump cutting all engines to half speed as they drifted forward in motion, on board the Abaconda crew were fixated on duties and preparations. Throughout the entire ship noise of call-outs and quick pacing of boots flooded it's halls, meanwhile Pablo sat in the briefing room going over the battle plan time and time again paying close attention to the most minor of details regarding the planets surface, environmental factors and possible exploits of the tactics, "Sir, we're ready to go on your order." stated the Captain as Pablo turned his chair looking directly at him.
"Thank you Captain. Say, do you have any children back at your fort?" the Commander suddenly asked causing officers alongside the Captain present to look at one other confusingly.
"Aye sir, two kids. Twin son and daughter, said they'd join their father one day as a ship Captain of their very own vessels." the Captain spoke whilst letting out a smile peering downward "I pray that this will make sure they won't face such horrors of war and bare of my burden as ship Captain." he added sighing out before looking back up at his Commander.
"They're blessed to have a gent like you as their father Captain." Pablo stated turning his chair round "Just had this odd thought of starting my own family when our job is done, but I often ask myself. Am I worthy father material?" he added staring down at his cybernetic hand turning his eye peering over his shoulder as the Captain patted his shoulder.
"Hell yeah sir." being his response adding a mild grin, Pablo then turning his attention to the other officers all of whom agreed with the Captain's opinion causing him to utter out a minor chuckle.
"Okay, enough jibber jabber" Pablo stated as he began to transmit orders "This is Serpent speaking, all ships prepare for Consecration bombardment, ground forces prepare for drop. Stars blessing people and see you on the ground." upon finishing the transmission he stood up out of his chair picking up his Ion-handcannon twirling it around his finger prior to sliding it into the holster on his leg before departing for the hangers.
Arriving at the hanger to the high transit of troops entering drop-pods and gunships alongside pilots climbing aboard their fighters, a quick glance over to his right spotting the Crimson Scales all directing teams into assigned areas, walking over to armour up everyone took a moderate look at him as the black and maroon red armour clamped securingly to his body finishing off as a leather duster trench-coat with ripped off sleeves was placed over the armour with the shoulders clamping on with display of the distinct engraving of a Serpent on his left shoulder and the Solar Shield on the right.
Picking up his rifle smacking the magazine in following up by a flick of the charging handle the Commander joined his troops "Right guys, times up so let's do this." he uttered heading onto a gunship with the Scales close in tow behind him as everyone took a seat, Gab sitting next to Pablo looked at him with a warming small smile "Something the matter love?" he simply asked to which she shook her head holding onto his hand as the securing harness lowered over their torso's.
Surrounded by warships ranging from Strike Cruisers, Destroyers and the odd Capital ship with banners flying of the Sector's planetary colonies, Mercenaries bands and independent groups alongside the banner of Serpent Company unleashed fiery beams of destructive force whilst drop-pods and gunships hurtled at break neck speed to the surface below being encased with coats of flame as they pierced through the atmosphere.
Taking some pilots by surprise forcing emergency manoeuvres as exchanging fire toward them lit up the sky, "Commander, it appears enemy forces are armed. I thought Raveners were mindless creatures!" one of the pilots shouted out over the comms.
"It's the Evolved Ravoids, they must of morphed weapons from their spawns." Pablo theorized releasing his securing harness walking up to the cockpit peering outward seeing the chaos, "Hydra fighters, bath them in flame to open up a drop-zone for the ground forces and get those damned Brawlers on the ground to deal with that anti-air." he ordered out walking back to the seating area thudding the harness release, "On your feet Scales, time to drop!" he shouted picking up his rifle heading toward the ramp as it began to open.

Chronicle of the Unknown Sector. (#Wattys2015)
Science FictionThe Unknown Sector. A part of space sat on the border of three mass empires, since the decade war it has been left in a state of disarray from the core interior of these empires. From within it's dark secrets rose a race of monstrous alien creatures...