Forty eight hours after the discovery of the Ravoid experimentation holding camp, Pablo along with his wife Gab introduced their newly adopted daughter Rachel to the Crimson Scales and Vera. With Vera and Rachel getting on well from the start, it also injected a morale booster to the weary and tired soldiers around the base as the Commanders daughter took curiosity in every little thing regarding duties and activity, even to the displeasing of Gab when Vera taught her how to shoot passing on the teachings of Pablo himself.
By mid-day news reported back that Washira had found the information needed to end things on Ysel, within minutes of receiving word the Commander had all officers report for a tactical meeting, "The final piece of our puzzle to cease all Ravener activity on Ysel has presented itself." Pablo explained activating the holographic map display "Shadow operative Panther has tracked down the whereabouts of the experimentation lab connected to the prison complex we discovered two days ago, for most part it's a simple operation however there is a problem." he further explained zooming in and enhancing the area of a deep basin formation with a native village few miles to it's south.
"Due to the civil presence, Consecration strikes are out of the question, however infiltration of the lab and destroying it inside out won't work either." causing the room to fill with utters of officers discussions.
"So how do we go about removing this thorn sir." Saran uttered out aloud causing all eyes to turn to the Commander, Sitting in silence Pablo pressed his fingers together scanning the map display before turning his attention to Dawns.
"Dawnes, what would you say from your background of environmental biology that flooding the basin would resolve this issue without creating collateral damages to innocent life?" he questioned towards her causing mild jump letting out groans of thought in her confusion.
"Well, aside from the outcome being absolute submersion of the lab and flooding of the basin we also have impactful force of water striking like a blanket of solid rock which would reduce contents inside to nothing," Dawns spoke out before highlighting the gigantic waterfall on the basins brim "of course you'd need a madman and death-wish to set explosives forceful enough to create the catalyst."
This lead to creating a commotion among the officers, however the Scales looked at each other knowing who'd volunteer without an instant as a grin formed on Pablo's face. Gab although concerned of what was going on through his head knew that arguing with him was near useless when his mind was made up, as the meeting was dismissed.
"Gabby." Pablo uttered out as she began to leave "You got a moment?" he added with her turning around to face him, his expression displaying a mixture of guilt, regret and uncertainty "I'm sorry for always volunteering for the most dangerous tasks, but I feel personally deep down if anyone has the best odds of pulling it off it's me." he explained sighing out heavily slumping his posture forward slightly, Gab planting a kiss on the lips knowing his heart was in the right place despite his mind not always being in one piece due to the haunting past locked inside.
"Just be sure you come back alive and in one piece, or I'll force you into retirement." she joked with a smile running her hand across his scarred cheek brightening his attitude up moderately as they exited the Command centre.
Boarding onto a gunship Pablo took a quick look over at another gunship with the Scales and Gab boarding leaving Rachel and Vera for safety as the two craft dusted off, one's objective was the dropping of Pablo to prime a cluster of explosives whilst the others objective was evacuation of civilians from the nearby town within the basin.
Setting the Commander down few clicks out from the waterfall, the gunship departed back for base-camp as he gazed into the basin seeing the second gunship descend nearby the town making him set a timer of twenty minutes estimation of how long the enemy will take to respond proceeding into a full on run toward his target lugging a heavy containment unit on his back.

Chronicle of the Unknown Sector. (#Wattys2015)
Science FictionThe Unknown Sector. A part of space sat on the border of three mass empires, since the decade war it has been left in a state of disarray from the core interior of these empires. From within it's dark secrets rose a race of monstrous alien creatures...