Ten days after the space-borne battle against the Pirates, Pablo and Gab again were trying to spend much needed time with one another. Pablo feeling like he was neglecting the one he loved whilst Gab felt he needed to relax and get used to being a person rather then just a Commander, what she had in mind however struck him by surprise.
"A music house?" Pablo pondered peering up at the neon sign prior to her dragging him in via the arm, the interiors mood being cool, calm and collected as those inside read, chattered, drank and few even dancing. Walking up to the bar counter which was being tended to by a Psyoni male with long loose hair to the elbow.
"Welcome sir, madam. What'll it be for this eve?" he asked in a well formal manner.
"Red wine for me please." Gab asked taking up a bar stool, her tail swaying lightly from side to side.
"Shot and coke dart." Pablo asked for causing Gab to be taken by surprise as he sat on his stool.
"I thought you said alcohol gave you nightmares?" she asked him from her recollection.
"Yeah, but long as I got you around, they don't bother me." he smirked out his response with her blushing away as their drinks were placed before them, taking a swig of his beverage forced a few quick sudden series of blinks from him "Damn, strong stuff." escaped his mouth with a raspy tone shortly accompanied to her laughter.
Whilst the two talked among each other, Pablo took a quick glance down the bar noticing the Scales were enjoying a drink among friends, overhearing faint mutters of him and Gab planning to be married for once they arrived back to Transcendence dating back several weeks of preparation when the truth was Pablo intended to surprise her with the news of when it were to happen that very same night.
Continuing the conversation with Gab he was also planning a decoy to let everyone keep the surprise silent. His eyes drew to the music corner being now empty as staff were taking a break, slipping away with the excuse of using the restroom Pablo gave a quick notion for the male Crimson Scale members to follow him.
"Hey Pablo, what you doing in a place like this?" Nevison asked taking a drag of his cigar exhaling the smoke upward.
"Listen, the word of the wedding mustn't be heard aloud yet, I got a plan to make it official, but in order to do so I'm gonna need your help lads." Pablo explained taking quick glances back at the bar looking back as each of the guys gave either a smirk or minor grin their faces saying 'Sly dog' over them clearly, after a quick roll of his eyes Pablo lead them back to the darkened music section of the bar stepping up to the mic.
"Alright lads, just let loose from the top" he spoke into the mic getting attention of all inside the bar before music blurted out accompanied shortly after by instrumental sounds (Song linked in media), sparking a surge of energy from the unusual music with Saran on main-guitar, Nevison on bass, Drog on drums and Crick lastly on synthesizer all fusing together with Pablo's singing supported by backing vocals of Drog and Saran.
Naturally the girls of the bar set gazes on their personal favourites, Gab meantime sat amazed of this unknown part of Pablo who appeared to enjoy every moment of it. With the songs end Pablo spoke calmly into the mic "There is a certain lady, I'd like to say these words to. For we had planned it for months now and she'd always offer the lead in our relationship, now though I'd like to say how I feel" walking toward Gab kneeling down extending his open palm hand holding a single golden band ring "Gabriella Siy'tio, will you be my wife?" with the room falling silent as the tension of her reply beaconed.
Gab formed a smile that later spanned into a joyful grin nodding with a whimpering 'uhm' in tandem of Pablo raising to his feet wrapping their arms round each other to the sound of girls awh's and guys cheers and whistles.

Chronicle of the Unknown Sector. (#Wattys2015)
Science FictionThe Unknown Sector. A part of space sat on the border of three mass empires, since the decade war it has been left in a state of disarray from the core interior of these empires. From within it's dark secrets rose a race of monstrous alien creatures...