Part 17: Pablo's gambit.

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"What do you mean this Ravener attack isn't like the others, they are senseless killing beasts" Adrianda said raising her voice toward Pablo who stood still and silent whilst Gabriella and Washira looked at one another pondering what he'd say.

"I mean this Ravener attack was more precise and co-ordinate compared to my previous encounters to them. There is a strategy involved." Pablo explained as his eyes gazed at the floor in thought, "If I were to place a bet, their evolving and at a rapid pace." he added raising his gaze shortly after, the group's attention was caught by one of the troopers monitoring the scanners picked up a ship distress call.

"Mayday, I say again mayday. This is the Arcanum, we have taken heavy damage and our systems are failing. We're requesting immediate aid, Councillor Hectar is on aboard, I repeat Councillor Hect....." the transmission cut off with the ship crash landing.

Gab, Washira and Adiranda all displayed looks of worry fearing the worst, Pablo meanwhile began to exit raising his pulse rifle into both his hands. "Hey, where do you think you're going?" Gab snapped at him causing him to turn around slowly peering over his shoulder.

"Natural response for us to answer a distress call, or you feel like going home already love?" he replied questionably toward her, this in turn forced a slight bit of anger to forge from Gab clearly unamused. "Gonna be scolded over that one." Pablo added as he ran out the command centre with Gab and Vera in tow, brief moment later Adrianda and Washira joined them armoured up and armed.

"Commander, I'm not going to let my father die out there. Like it or not you're stuck with me." Adrianda stated with solid determination, Pablo's response was minor as his eye looked over at Washira who merely shrugged grinning slightly whilst displaying that she shared the same thought.

"Very well, if you're willing to carry this out then pay close attention to what I say out there" Pablo answered climbing into an armoured buggy, Gab taking the passenger seat beside him with Adrianda, Washira and Vera taking up firing positions on the back part. Engine roaring up as rubber burnt on ground prior to darting off heading in the direction of the distress signal, whilst the vehicle skid and bounced from the ruined terrain around them, Pablo maintained control despite forcing the other occupants to brace themselves.

Floodlights on board the buggy lit the darkened city ruins whilst black smoke emitted heading even further toward the shipwreck, picking up static on their ear-comms later hearing screams of agony made Adrianda gasp, Washira then looking at her now worried for her niece.

"Hang on, this is gonna get a tad bit rough!" Pablo shouted out flooring it as the buggy charged forward jumping a gap landing with an impacting crash bobbing around then sliding to a halt with it's back skidding around, "Everyone good?" he later called out hearing a few groans and Vera's chuckle.

Disembarking their vehicle the group jogged ever closer to the wrecked vessel, the sound of gunfire and Ravener cries growing ever clearer. Pablo scanned around switching his cybernetic eye's lens to thermal narrowing his left eye, kneeling down whilst at the same time planting his left hand on a pried off piece of the ships hull he later rose back up. "Seems the ship wasn't shot on it's passage from the outside, must of been thrown off course by an attempted hijacking." he theorized aloud causing Gab to look at him ponderously as she asked how he could support the theory.

"Two factors, first being the idealness of the target. A high ranking political figure like Hectar would fetch a solid sum if he were assassinated or sold off to slavers, second sign is that." Pablo stated pointing in the direction of gunfire "The weapons used over there are of two makes, one has more bass and metallic echoes meaning they're military standard, the other is more blunt and worn making it black market stock." looking over at his companions "We can't just go guns blazing in there, follow me and keep low." he said crouching whilst keeping a steady pace between a run and walk.

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